Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Gummy, I am just young enough to have been hypnotised as an early teenager, by the shiny lightweight Japanese Motorcycles that flooded the market mid 70s, that were outselling the heavy underpowered stuff the domestic manufacturers were knocking out. The Sur ron is the next developmental step, it is light, quite powerful where you need it, and moves silently through the population, there are no nostalgic thoughts when riding it, so, don’t ride it down “Memory Lane”.

Saracen day today, we went training.

Went to the Tudor Hall.

Then the only one’s at Church.

Then celebrated the 600 mile milestone :smiley:


God UK’s great image has taken a knocking in so many places these days - is there a cheaper version as a skateboard perhaps or even a bathchair??

The UK is a lonely place, for decent upstanding Sur ronners.

Don’t think its anything to do with God UK though!

The ramp and wheel support have arrived, just got to work out how to fit the support with minimal damage to the van.

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all this for a little scooter?? it’s a good job I’m the only one lookin at these pics spittie !

That’s what you think… :wink:

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Thanx Pix, I wonder how Gummy fills his days :laughing:.
Probably better off not knowing. :smiley:


Aye, probably best not :thinking:

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spottie - the days come along and fill me !

Simon Cowell was reportedly rushed to hospital after falling off his e-bike while not wearing a helmet.

Simon, 62, only started riding again late last year after breaking his back in Malibu in August 2020 after revving his e-bike by accident.

According to reports, this crash that took place near his home in West London isn’t quite as serious as his previous accident, but the business mogul is thought to have broken his arm.

A source said: "He was pedalling along, with his electric motor on, when the wheels suddenly went from under him after hitting a wet patch.

"He slipped and went flying over the handlebars into the middle of the road.”


Ooooer!! Does that man never learn?! :roll_eyes:

There are many dangers out there.


Precisely, and this is why one must be protected. :smiley:

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Used to take a briefcase to work, how times change.


Oooh simple and efficient, I like it :+1:

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They definitely discourage heavy bikes from trying to watch the Hairyplanes, I will shoot round the other side next time.


@ spotfire - I don’t know everytime I see it it just reminds me of a mountAIN bike with a lunch pack attached ?? does it come in bright colors at all that might help?

Gummy, its a one off, bespoke :laughing: bit like Spitty, he’s the only E head in the village (and quite possibly the biggest D head).

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The Sur ron is a snug fit in the back of the van, a support bracket is being made by me that, will supplement the front wheel support and hold the rear wheel of both machines steady and upright.

Still a bit cold out so 50mph without goggles or visor causes a bit of eye streaming, but went to training area and Tudor house again.