Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Baptism of fire and mud, eh? Well at least you know they work! :joy:

Ok, got the new workhorse, a 2004 diesel model, 93000 on the clock full service history, MOT 4th Jan 2023 runs quiet as a mouse, not a bump or a knock at all, and just Ā£899.00. Taxed it, then came to update my insurance details on line and for some reason, the website tried to double my premium for the same car, got to get them on the phone tomorrow, bloody technology.

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Just sold the old one scrap online, got Ā£342.00, canā€™t be bad.

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you obviously havenā€™t got time for jackhammers anymore these days ? - more like lets get back to the mechano and building straw castles in the sky?

I have consigned my future to a higher power, let them decide.

I may become an electro biking preacher. :smiley:

youā€™re way on the way with that one!! 747 and climbing @ spitfire

Today was the most scary journey ever, I had to take the hire van back for 8.30am, to a depot 4 miles from here. Not having anyone here to give me a lift back, I put the Saracen in the back of the van. Warning Bells began to ring as I slipped and slided whilst doing this, anyway I pushed on and dropped the van off. The first part of the return journey was not too bad, half a mile of Foot/Cycle path fairly level and just a bit frosty, stuck to 7mph, then a decision had to be made, take the shortest route down a gully and, onto a housing estate with a school, or stick to the present road that leads to the same A road, but just further up, I chose the shortest route. The slightly covered gully was Okl, but, the roads on the residential area were sheet ice, the school run was going on, and kids were slipping and crying, you want to try getting off a bike on sheet ice!!!, the worst part was one particular corner where a bloke (coincidently the co-owner of the van hire place) had to come to my rescue, I made mega slow progress walking and pushing the bike on peoples gardens where possible, and grass verges where available finally making it to the a road, but, I knew the ordeal was not over because our development is built on a hill, and my fear proved to be totally founded, the last 500 non normal paces were hell, never again!!

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OMG and not at your age old fella - I felt for ya I really did but then again foolin around on saracens ainā€™t for the faint hearted if at least for the fool hardy?? - naughty spittie naughty spittie - detention for a week! erhmm que ? never heard of taxi services??

Dā€™ya know gumbud, seriously, a Taxi never occurred to me!!!

Walk on the wild side takes on a whole new meaning with you Spitty! :joy:

Yep Pix, my heart rate was up today, what was happening was potentially dangerous, too old for this now, next time I will walk on the Safe Side. :icon_wink:

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Glad to hear it! :+1:

Bet my dream tonight will chew this over. :icon_wink:

Canā€™t put if off no longer, got to go to bed and take the trauma on the chin. :smiley:

So did you have nightmares? :thinking:

No, actually a lie in, that is unusual, maybe post traumatic stress related.

Afternoon, went out on the Saracen about an hour ago, bit warmer after the last couple of days, never got to the Black Country, apparently, the starter on the Shed I was going to view had jammed, seems a bit of a warning to me, could be another tricky week ahead.

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Well good job you didnā€™t go trekking all the way over before you found THAT out then, eh? Donā€™t stress, itā€™ll all work out in the end :oncoming_automobile:

we like spitty when heā€™s stressing - heā€™s more fun and becomes human again!! - when ya fall offa da bike ya jest gotta back on again - right my boy?

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