Planes Bikes and Automobiles

That’s for me to know :zipper_mouth_face::innocent:

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Scrubbing the runway with a toothbrush? :joy:

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anybody up for parachuting…
warning stickers on… :nauseated_face:


Nope, nope, nope :see_no_evil:

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Yes me :grin:

Saw more Geese than people today, that’s the way we like it. :grin:

Just up to 370 miles now, will reach 400 when I go to Warwick later in the week. I have ordered a 30cm USB - iphone charge lead (they are hard to come by) to run the SatNav App.


Geese are nicer than people anyway! :smiley:

I’m certain they gave you goosebumps Spitty :grin:

They expect to fed, I worked that one out, very different from the “Birds” I used to know, but, far less complicated. :grin: :biking_man:

Or, maybe not so. :icon_wink:

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Depends on the food really…some like it posh!

What, like a Berni Inn?

I don’t know what that is…:frowning:

You are to young, to be a Steakholder. :icon_wink: :biking_man:

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Ahhhh…I know what you are on about now! Menu looked good! :+1:

It can take a while to know what someone is on about, sometimes, then, when you find out, you are left wondering if it was worth the wait. :laughing: :grin: :biking_man:

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I like the way you make me have to think though…then I look up Google :joy:

Always done it, pre internet, can’t help it, can make you a target though, some folks don’t like to think, me included. :grin:

I like this Guy, and what he says about the majority of Sur ron owners. This pushbike would give some of the old gassers something to think about.

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This is my new phone, inherited from my Daughter who has just upgraded. The phone in the photo on the handlebar of the Saracen intended as a Satnav has a shot battery, it only holds charge for 24 hours so, I will replace it with my present phone. I hope it will be up and running for the weekend.