Planes Bikes and Automobiles

grabs popcorn


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Its a tough one, just about all that can be contained in an emotional rollercoaster was condensed into a short period of time, but, much was learned, did a ghost scan on the Bike, nothing was recorded. :blush: :biking_man:

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Awww :hugs:

I still have a legacy, a key to unwinding events, but, when one turns a key, a person has to be aware of a backlash. :biking_man:

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You experienced life, most people donā€™t even get the chance!


Did not think would get time for a Bike ride today, but, I took it to work with me, here is where we visited

Saracen visits Aston Hall

Rear elevation

Saracen Visits Villa Park

Change of plans with the new mountain bike, it is staying as is, the main reason being that the gear change is on twistgrips, which would have to be removed, and would complicated thigs slightly, I will keep it and sell the three classic mountain bikes and buy another donor.


Interesting trip out and about! Aston Hall looks amazing!

Yes I agree with keeping the new bike as isā€¦it looks too nice and new to be messed with. :+1:

My son bought a Sarason Bike several years ago. Simply loves it, says itā€™s the best heā€™s ever had. I should think so too, it cost a blooming fortune.

Thatā€™s great Spitty!
Brilliant pictures! Thanks :blush:

Iā€™m glad you decided not to strip your newest mountain bike. Honestly, it looks way to good to alter!

I have got idle Minx, I could have taken the manual mountain bike today, it would have been easier to get in the car, and no probs for the distance to pedal, this bike might have opened up a can of worms.

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A lot of compromises were made, for the experience, notes have been made for the next time round.

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Well a real bit of culture this weekend, rain permitting, Kenilworth and Warwick, photos and Gopro. :grin: :biking_man:

carnage carnage absolute carnage!!

Rain cancelled Warwick trip, stuck on 366 miles, with more charging the battery seems to be getting stronger still.

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Sur ron due a service in a month or so time, its only done 75 miles.

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Nice Spitty!

Sorry about the inclement weather today

Do you mind if I stick this in here? I thought it was interesting. I can remove if required.

COP 26: Aircraft carrying world leaders excite planespotters - BBC News

Donā€™t the Plane Spotters look young nowadays Pix, from about the age of ten, my Son was an avid Plane Spotter, I used to take him and his Grandad to the Airport every Saturday morning, and sometimes would take them to Heathrow. :biking_man:


I live fairly close to Glasgow Airport, ( a bus ride away) and would love to go one day to see the planes. Havenā€™t managed yet, but its on the list. We took the kids to see the Military Airshow at Leuchars, when they were youngā€¦that was fascinating! I always meant to go again but havenā€™t yetā€¦and its been cancelled anyway, for obvious reasons.

Very interesting Trixie, brought back a lot of memories.
ā€¦ We would go off to Heathrow or Gatwick Airports for some plane spotting and people spotting as well.
When we moved to Bexhill we always went to the The Airbourne Show at Eastbourne East Sussexā€¦

We could go along the beach towards Eastbourne and see many displays without actually joining the mad rush that it always wasā€¦
Parking was very difficult and we use to go in by Train, which took ages, but the easy option.
Always went with my mate Rosi and her Husband.
Had some planes look like they could have taken the tops of our Tall Oaks during those days of the show.
ā€¦ One was an Ancient Plane a Lancaster I thinkā€¦anyway it looked so close it was actually alarming but amazing at the same timeā€¦