Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Glad you did not forget the Toilet Rolls…very nice site is that…

Did you get her off the ground Spitty?

The ignition battery, receiver battery and 8 channel receiver arrived whist we were away, got to fit them and see if we have a start

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Best of luck…

That’s just wrong on so many fronts

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There’s danger :warning: everywhere :eyes:

Yes always take at least one BIN BAG with you…

We had to buy a new one a couple of years back because the electrics gave up the ghost and not cost affected to replace…Great fun and still of course not with traumas but Least it can only go downwards wetside…still need a bin bag though to be sure…as with any of these Hobbies you have to keep dipping the Wallet…
Husband has 13 Model Planes and two have never seen the light of day…as yet…
One tale when in Bexhill on Sea he belonged to the nearest flying club…He took off ok and then it dived straight into the top of a Tall Tree…we could not retrieve it so he went back home and arrived back with his three stages of a Ladder and a long Pole…Up and Up he went, shaking branches and he did get some movement on the plane but was half hour later when it glided downwards…not completely ‘bin bagged’ but it did need some rebuild for sure…He bought a couple of extra strong coated Polystyrene type planes they had a special protective coating, and a tonne of uhu por…great fun with those and less repairs!

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Just went for a ride on the Saracen to the suburbs, went down the Cul De Sac where my brother in law lives and was surprised at the unkempt state of the property and a for sale board in the garden. A neighbour across the road was just getting in her car so I asked what the situation was, (and explained who I was) and was told the gentleman had died in October last year. My sister who died in 2006 was estranged from the BIL from the 1990s but they still got on great so saw each other often, up to her untimely death. So, I would have seen the BIL at her funeral, and I think I saw him once again in 2007, that would have been the last time, another story book comes to a close.

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I’m sorry :frowning:

It is what it is Pix, move on yes.

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Jul 2023

The little WOT4 is now free of blue covering and ready for a final cosmetic sanding and to have a new stabilizer wingtip made.

This is the engine that started it all, an Irvine 46

Time is short, look what was purchased at the show today


The quick modern version :smile:

wot sup ?

A potted history of the WOT4, Chris Foss designed and manufactured them, he retired and passed the rights on to Ripmax who predictably changed the kit to an ARTF. Ripmax have now gone bump so, this cold be the last one ever!!! :grin:


Keep it in a glass cage and sell it for thousands in 10 years time :+1: :grin:

keep it under your hat

It’ll save on Bin Bags…every flyer’s must haves…

This was the most expensive crash I’ve personally witnessed, blimey, eight years ago what happened there :smile: