Planes Bikes and Automobiles

Broadway, where??

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where the neon lights are bright ā€¦

Good to go

Its great to have the van back, there wasnā€™t any wear on the original Cambelt but, it had to be removed to replace the Camshaft oil seal that was spewing oil all over the place, so, it made sense to change it anyway.

The original belt

Notice how much the bike seat has been lowered, it was difficult getting ones leg over :smile: and the seat only has to be high when peddling and none of that malarkey is done on this bike. This bike will be travelling with us this weekend.

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so is there a bike rack on the moho, its a bit dirty to go inside

Yes Max, the worry was with its battery and motorized back wheel the Saracen weighs in at around 55 Kgs, the ability of the rack to absorb this weight is not the problem, its the stress point on the Moho thatā€™s bothering so, because the destination tomorrow is just less than 50 miles, the wife will follow in the car to give us mobility whilst there, The front wheel on the bike is quick release so, I will remove it and store it in the Moho garage, the rest of the bike should go in the car.

What we have concluded so far on Mohoing, there are two main clubs and we are members of both; The Caravan & Motorhome Club and the Camping and Caravanning Club. Both clubs facilities are superb and seemed very similar when we first went at the start of the season, as the season has pressed on the difference has become more apparent, the Caravan & Motorhome club will say for example we have 80 hardstanding pitches, this means a maximum of 80 people containing units will be seeking use of facilities in the extreme, the same size site with the Camping and Caravan club will sort of say the same but this ignores the Camping bit, the lovely open green spaces that are apparent semi low season, fill up logically with tents during high season which, can stretch the onsite facilities during this season so, we find this becomes part of the decision making process when deciding where to go.
Appart from the two big organizations, both offer certified locations, these are limited on the number of pitches and, because they are autonomous, they donā€™t have to be all inclusive, and can put their own rules down like age limitations, pets etc etc, in general, they still provide electric hook ups, and some provide shower and toilet facilities and site wise, they tend to be nearer to towns and places of interest because they are not so constrained by planning criteria etc.
Alot of folks tend to avoid Bank Holidays (especially summer ones) because it can get hectic out there, particularly those sites quite close to centers of population, on an associated Forum as an example, folks seemed to agree that for instance, Clumber Park Site in Nottinghamshire should be avoided if you are looking for a bit of peace and quiet on a sunny summer day.
Its just you pay your money and take your choice and one of those things, you have no training for what your expectation is, you just have to get out there and learn along the way.
Its great fun though

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Went to a country park yesterday, took the Saracen in the van.

I waited stationary for every pedestrian who I came across (although its a cycle route) and exchanged pleasantries with them, it was most refreshing. Going to the City this morning, a bit of business and a bit of sight seeing on the Saracen.


Thort today was awork day, but you are faffing around

Because oz self employed, the work commitment is fluid, one morning commitment has been hit and miss for a couple of months which is Ok because I just compensate on other activities todays start is 3.30pm.

Here is a plane I have been recommissioning today, it hasnā€™t flown for ten years, it has an 8ft wingspan and is a scale model of an Extra 330 flown by Patty Wagstaff (google her). The batteries will be toast by now, but the 60cc petrol motor is nice and free.


and the washing on the line ??

Weā€™ve all got our Hang Ups!

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This was the first time we saw the little Fun Fighters, bought one and only just got round to putting it together

This is what you start with

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ah!! two pieces of wood and two toes

About 50 pieces of wood and ten toes. :grin:

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Bob the Builderā€¦Spitty theā€¦ermā€¦sticker? Sticky Spitty, haha! :smiley:

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Just got back from a couple of days away in the Moho, what a beautiful site, large fully serviced private pitches.

The toilet and showering facilities were excellent

Two more weeks to the next one

P.S someone is live streaming the Cosford Airshow on Youtube