Photos to share anybody?


My uncle with his horses in Noth Uist.


Just discovered this thread. Have happy memories of beddington lane , I had an aunt and uncle lived near the pub. I Spent a lot of time on the park farm
Estate.I was Born in mitchum junc. Eventually Moved to Wallington, now in Kent.
Remember the WANDLE well.


Something a little more contemporary…

Just had some top quality bovver boots delivered.
The quality is reflected in the price but worth every penny!


My Mother and her brother about six years pld:


Moi puffed too a mucho weeding not weeing though! That was also a lovely place Looe…
Yes they were the best holidays in our Touring Caravan…but one stormy night the Caravan moved… started to slide down the steep camping terrain
…Husband had a brilliant idea, he said I’ll park the car at the side to stop that drifting downwards!!! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Denkil, Malaysia when I was there in the marshes…


Yes it was next to our House and Husband as I does fell in just the twice after too much juice from the Harvest Home…


I love the above link because it writes about the History of Beddington…tis interesting with the Carew family and there ups and downs they had over time…

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Carew manor? Long time since I saw that place. Used to live near off the Croydon road opposite beddington park

Wasn’t the caravan site at the top of that tiny little road by The Crumplehorn Inn by any chance Dianne?

Better ‘‘late’’ than Never Chilliboot…well maybe Not! :zipper_mouth_face:

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Do you know I am now thinking it was Woolacombe…!!!
North Devon…oh dear!

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Never mind… Polperro is still lovely and you lived to tell the tale :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Yes thank the 'Lordylord it never moved after he parked the car to stop it…allegedly

trying to recall which cove was very steep down to the sea and when the tide came high or weather was ruff…the sea would come up on to the narrow lane…Dont think there was any parking down by the ‘beach’’ thinking now you park and walk down to it…

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Another of the places I went to:


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The very look of China…is it Besoeker I wonder?

Spent some time in Malaya. Went to the Cameron highlands and Penang while serving in the forces. Based in Singapore.


Yes it was - Shanghai. I also went to Taiwan several times.

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Interesting when you get to go to these Countries…I have just been to
Spain and lived there on and off for ages then when retired we sold the apartment and bought a house in France where we are now…
Husband has travelled a great deal as was in the Army for some years…

Not sure if Hubs went to those places but he went first at just past 17, I think, to Hong Kong and loved it back in the 60’s and was :face_with_raised_eyebrow: a very bad laddie…

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I was out there during the troubles in the late fifties. Moved from beddington / Wallington in the early sixties.