Photos to share anybody?

9th September 1967 living now in Beddington Surrey…first house bought for £4,400…Opposite The River Wandle…terraced three bedrooms one bath.shower room one dining room and one lounge…wall and ceilings could see were ruff…kitchen non existent and no heating!


Husband the other day with his Bluebird …heavy duty as the extra piece of land we purchased recently the land it self if very rough very uneven and not even suitable for his normal grass cutter tractor…
big mower

where you see those climbing plants on the fence that was our boundary until we decided to buy that extra land that was up for sale this day…scared us thought maybe somebody would build on it,so we took the decision to jump in quick with an offer was all in with fees 11,500 Euros…worth it for the peace of mind.


Di, how did Donald Campbell get the land speed record on that device?


Your lucky to have a plot like that!


He is good with Wood…
My Sister Jacqueline requested these particular shaped planters to go in an area that warranted narrow ones…


joke gardeners hahawell just trying to keep the interest going…it ain’t easy it’s my brother…ok my bruv…
ok my


Took a few shots on our Journey Yesterday…here is one of many turbines that are everywhere but not near peoples home…

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He has just paid out for a full service on it and picked the wrong time of the year…seems everybody wants services and repairs as the gardens soon become a wilderness…he used it Saturday and guess what…it is now loaded strapped down on the larger trailer and going back to the repairers tomorrow…tis naff he said, sad he was and all…

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What a lovely picture! The Wandle has been neglected for many a year .

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I wandle why?


Many a true word spoken in jest? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Are but … Who has fallen in when drunk, I wonder?
Harvest Home local exit time…

just a few mins from house, the local gossip calypso

not me I [quote=“DianneWoollie, post:12, topic:104802, full:true”]
Are but … Who has fallen in when drunk, I wonder?
Harvest Home local exit time…

just a few mins from house, the local gossip calypso

Not me…never was me, Husband twice…I am the normal One… :zipper_mouth_face:am I seeing double …hic lol

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Falling in😢

Daughter had to move from Gillingham in Kent…huge drama silent on that…she came over to Bexhill where we had happily settled… when we had searched and searched for her a suitable home for 3…she looked at our viewings and said I like that one a lot…so she arrived and as usual for her took the house on…husband would agree for sure to whatever she said.
They soon moved here and all was rosie again well as much as rosie could take on though…
Husband got a job that was a miracle but he did and all was smooth.
My Husband built this for them to give them their first seatings…

was an awkward shape to work with and so the build was not regular but really did look the bees knee at the finish


ok laugh see if I care. :smiling_face_with_tear:.Me at 14…defo the worst I could possiblely look…tbh I would never have let my daughter dress in that way at such a young age…but my Mother was very different and she got worse with age…


this one I can see our Lilly in me…first grand daughter


When bothered by a post Polly comes in and her energy does not got further than making Tea but she does earn a place in my heart…
abc happy dancing
she is always lively and very happy…can you tell that?

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ok think i will try to share 3 photos
1st photo Me and my still is Wife i was 20 she was just 17 we had just started dating

2nd photo 4 years later i was 24 she was 21 our wedding

3rd photo i am now 63 and wife is 60 (she still looks ok for her age)

hope i did not bore you all with my long post


This is adorable Feey! You both look so good together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks Feey, it was special and no way borin’ …how can such beautiful photos ever be boring my sacred shoe box is full of allsorts but every one is a heart felt memory.


Meet Gerry, Husband since 1967…
gerry pic