Photos to share anybody?

He has made with his mate Jason owner of Mantel Farm many super set ups for chickens mainly…



That’s a nice Des res.

Yes was a ‘Special School’ and the pupils were so excited from the beginning…

Just saw this, @Feey ! You and your wife are a match, for sure.! Thanks for sharing with us. I enjoy seeing online friends and their significant other :grin:


deleted by me

coward! :laughing:

That’s what I thought.

Don’t do it and apologize, just don’t do it in the first place.


That Van was so useful we set it up inside for cooking even sleep overs a couple of times when the weather was real bad and stopped us erecting our tent…
You could drive right onto the Beach at that time…was paradise and right next door to Benidorm if you needed some evening entertainment…


Bit spartan for us Di, bet you couldn’t do Crumpet inside :grin:

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Yes but you know I got that awful photo of me as reminder of how not to let your young kids rule themselves…I don’t really like even looking at it…I look pregnant and of course no way hosay was a Virgin til I got Wedded… :innocent:

Had two slices of buttered Toast only today…Maybe bored of Crumpets, for a while anyways…

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Your not a failure, failures succumb to temptation :icon_wink:


no I am a human being and hope people see that in me…
my heart is big so is my bum so cutting back again!
Salads not Chips No Puddings Cake Choc o lait…that’ll do it…Swimming a lot more as well


Its what you see in yourself that’s important


Yes but I don’t really always like me
Hubby has nic named me again…now It’s Gobber!

anybody that knows me in real know’s that is not True

haha I am a ‘‘worser’’ name than that… :joy:

Reality is subjective

your being more of a philosopher than normal Spits…you on something different this day then?
We going to take the bluebird back this morning when Hubs decides to rise from our Pit…

What lovely photos Feey - you both look very happy in each of them. Thank you for sharing.

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Just managed to get whatI Wanted in the Ruffec Garden Centre last pack of Ruddibeckers Can’t type road is bumpy!
Can’t spell either