Photos to share anybody?

Beer is fun, if it don’t get out of hand, keep yourself fit, and cast an eye at the Gamma GT readings at your regular blood tests

Yes I had my bloods done Friday for the dreaded consultants visit…least said…yes I get regular blood tests here…they hunt you down and once they got you they never let you go…tis the way it works here.
They follow the preventative course

Wat nee >>
:wink: :wink:

A Scotsman who must have broken a thousand Scottish hearts in Scotland!

I am with @OGF; this is a thoroughly enjoyable thread!

My sister is in town, and she brought with her a case of long-forgotten slides that we have been enjoying the last couple of nights. The quality is a little compromised because we have been showing them on the wall, but here are a couple. The first is my parents, brother, and me, and the other is my dad strapping me in for my first flight in a T-34, determined to make an adventurer out of me from day one :smile: :hearts:.


The best…LOL


Hold on; are we talking about you, the photo, the girls, or Scotland?

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Or any of the above I suppose…

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roulette wheel might help!

Possibly. I have been around a bit. My sister’s second husband was a croupier. He and I scored from time to lime…:slight_smile:

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A few random Photos but some of amusement…

Mother and Dad on Holiday…

Twin Son who was always tuned in to his looks …haha vain like Moi!

That was a loved rug that hung on the wall and the tigers had 3 d ears and various other things that stood out
…We bought it when we could not really afford it but fell for it and had it a couple or years until we suffered a Burglary…
Never ever again bought any treasures of worth after that…


That’s me innocent then with my Dads’ sister Auntie Jean.
just soon after that my mother had a fire going in the front room…she took off the fireguard and left me on my own…I don’t remember what I did but I had a nightie on and it went up in Flames…
She was so thoughtless and I was in hysterics and got burnt from the waist down…It has never left me the mental scars remain…


Me in my Beefy days :laughing:


Favorite car ever, the only one we picked up at midnight August the 1st 1991, got followed home by the cops


My brother was burnt when he was 8. He never wears shorts or goes with out a shirt.

Blimey Spitty you were a big lad and not how I imagined you looked… :open_mouth:
I bet you don’t look like that now with all the walking that you do.
Be careful when you retire, at 11 stone I’m the heaviest that I’ve ever been even though I go out walking and jogging most days. Although I’m not running around posting letters every day and my poor heart condition gets in the way…
What’s the motor? It’s a good shape and looks like something that was around in the days of the Cortina mark 2…

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I suffered no physical scars luckily so people would only know by me saying…

that’s Husband taking the plunge and the plan was to fit a half sized sun roof,you get one chance to get it right!
Just to the left is the River Wandle with no barrier at that time…one large step back and splosh!

Was about 16 stones then Foxy, I try to keep to about 12 stones now


What a lovely thread

Me at about 36 with youngest in Wales