Wter resources in this country/island should be no problem whatsoever.
Look at the land mass, the lakes, the rivers and … oh what’s that thing surrounding us ? is it the sea ?
Peas are bad for the health as well. Nearly everyone I know who got ill or died at any age ate peas at one time or another.
the world is NOT overpopulated -the populations are just all in concentrated places and not spread out!
Well I did try to throw the discussion wider but my effort was, almost, totally ignored. It really is not worth trying to put together a reasoned posting for debate on this forum, best to stick to the odd sentence here and there and leave it at that.
You mean flippancy rules the day ?
You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment. :twisted:
lol … touche
Good points VM , I have already mentioned number 4 in a previous post .
With regard to foreign aid I think it should be used to fund specific projects rather than given to the governments.
I worked in a girls school which sponsored a school in the Gambia . We provided materials to equip the school and sent a group of 6th formers out each summer holiday to help teach the children English and to paint and renovate the buildings. Hopefully some of those children in the Gambia school will go on to be Doctors and healthcare workers helping to promote contraception and people who can help others to maximise their own food production. .
Education and help in specific areas is what is needed not insisting the world lives on grain.
I know everyone hangs on my every word but I’m having to work today innit .
I wasn’t thinking of this country. I didn’t think we were just discussing the UK!
If we were to stop eating meat and only produced grains we could quite comfortably feed the whole wide world.
What I am saying in the little time I have is that overpopulation is a complex subject with many factors to take into account.
I am not in favour of just proving grain to those who are unable to produce a sufficient amount to provide for themselves but instead to help them maintain some form of self sufficient farming and food production including the raising of livestock. Also by promoting contraception.
Well some of us are very small-minded you see
Darn … I see I made a typo error and can not go back to edit :-
I think we are all in danger of losing the plot here.
Principle points I made with my initial post …
Education provides it’s own natural contraception - choice
Overpopulation and starvation can be countered by land allocated to animal feed (in developed countries) being given over to plant based protein foods.
In time underdeveloped counties will become ‘developed’ countries thereby point 1 will kick in so overpopulation shouldn’t be an issue.
Considering the above unless we alter the ruthless way we run and develop economies (capitalism) instead of overpopulation we could well end up with a lack of workers eventually.
It is has been proven too much meat is very bad for you as experiments have shown massive increase in cancers wherever a ‘people’ has moved towards our western style high meat content diet. Meat ain’t good for you. Apparently we all have a tendency towards cancer and by eating too much meat the tendency becomes alarmingly high.
Time to create another shop …
Funnily my husband loves his meat and has never had cancer whereas me a veggie for over 35 years has had it 4 times. So I take the idea meat is actually a cause rather loosely and believe it is more than our diet and we can look at stress and lifestyle for the cancer causes.
Lots of causes for it but it has been proven too much meat is a factor.
Well unless we address all causes it seems unfair to stop people eating meat.
I really don’t think vegetarianism can or should be forced.
Statistics are all very well when you’re one of the lucky ones they apply to. When they don’t, I suppose we can only say life just ain’t fair. I have a brother and sister who both eat lots of meat and have never had cancer. I do have cancer (not that you’d know it from my high level of fitness). Life can throw some non-statistical wobbles sometimes …even for those who live by statistics.
I feel that the attempted take over of the overpopulation problem thread reduciing it to a single issue by a vegetarian fundamentalist is a pity so many more factors are involved.
You got that all wrong. Only a few weeks ago I was eating chicken. I still have chicken in my freezer in fact.
Sorry about that Victors Mate. Over to you then.