
One must raise one’s mind and take in the complete picture from on high. Not an easy thing to do and I can see many cannot aspire to it, being stuck in the incidentals. Oh well, another burden I have to bear. Too much wisdom and now this.

:shock: :!: :shock:

Mystic May predicts You’ll be scoffing bacon butties along with most of Us within the next few weeks…AND choccy biscuits ;~)

Not me. I have WILL POWER!

YES … splutters :wink:

Ah!!! The famous Will Power…I sincerely hope He wins…Good luck ;~)

Jem, you make a good point but I feel you are not fully allowing for two of the three ‘control’ meusures above:-
1) Disease - Not now that science has virtually eliminated all the major diseases, only in a few places do things like Ebola pop up, and they will be conquered soon.
2) Wars - Again the world has changed, the possibility of hundreds of thousands of men blasting themselves to hell and back as happened in past centuries is remote, there will of course be continual ‘skirmishes’ and terrorist outrages (e.g. 9/11) but no mass cull of humans.
3) So that just leaves Natural disasters (e.g. Nepal) but once again the impact on world population is minimal. Many more babies have been born in the time period between the first and second Nepal earthquakes, so the world population is already larger than it was the earthquakes hit, makes no differnace what so ever.

The fact is that some countries e.g. England are grossly over populated and most of the problems e.g. Transport, Medical care, housing, are not due to lack of resources but due to too many people trying to access those resources.

But nobody is listening, so why I mention it I don’t know, thankfully I’ll be out of it before the major problems come around.

And chucking money at the problem when it’s usually badly utilised, doesn’t help any of us.
There are some who would argue that we are not over-populated, merely that it boils down to a distribution problem.

I remain undecided, but believe that the MOD and other large organisations own vast areas of green belt.

A few thoughts on the problem of over population.

  1. Many countries Europe and within Europe Britain have good and marginal arable land on which crops are not sown (set aside) to maintain price levels by restricting production. Production could be vastly increased by outlawing such practices.

  2. The amount of food that is actually discarded by the consumer and by supermarkets in the developed nations is scandalous. France has taken steps to make it illegal for supermarkets to throw away food. Instead they can donate it to charities or make it available for animal feed. A practice I feel that could/should be adopted worldwide.

  3. Much of food shortage is more of a logistics problem which could be overcome if the will to finance and coordinate distribution.

  4. In the developed countries we have pensions in the poorer countries they use their children as their “pension” to care for and feed them in their old age. The more children they can bring to maturity the more likely they are to be cared for in their later years.

  5. Much of the funds given to these poorer countries in the form of foreign aid is never used for the intended purpose and reaches only a few corrupt individuals. A better way of ensuring the utilisation of this aid for the intended purpose is desperately needed.

  6. Finally Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Or it might turn out to be Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat drinking beer all day.

Food for thought there !

Water resources are going to be the biggest problem regardless of whether the principal food stuff is grain or animal based. Imo.

That’s what I kept saying on another thread, stuck in the incidentals is stayed, frustrating, so to maintain my sanity I spent 3 hours cooking a nice dinner, good results tho, probably better than getting myself would up here.

Good point about food wastage VM!


I’ll try again. My ego just can’t stand being ignored. :frowning:

EDIT: Oh poo, I forgot. It chops out the bits I was responding to.

I will respond in due course but I have to go running with a mate of mine now.

You will have more links to authoritative stuff than you will know what to do with when I get back.

Yes, if you are doing a ‘quote’ you only get what the writer wrote :slight_smile: If they quoted someone else it doesn’t show.

However, there is a way, you need to go back to the quoted quote (If that makes sense :lol:) Then use ‘Multi-quote’ and you can get both of them in your reply, and wonders don’t stop there you can even edit the multi-quotes as well. HTH

Those weird folk who don’t mind the constant roar of traffic outside their front door, who prefer walking on concrete to grass, who actually like queing everywhere, who are happy to have a view of someone else’s back door rather than a nice hillside. Yes I suppose there are some people like that but borderline nut cases I call them :lol:

Loads out there but this one will do …

How to Feed the World

Again a search reveals plenty of articles like this one …

Eating too much meat and eggs is ‘just as bad as smoking’, claim scientists

The NY Times article is interesting.

It mentions the move to cities and the problems it causes and also the issue of food waste.

What’s also interesting is how as countries develop they take on the eating habits of the developed countries which is not in their best interests.

Last paragraph of the article:

“But if the standard American diet represents the low point of eating, a question is whether the developing world, as it hurtles toward that nutritional nadir — the polar opposite of hunger, but almost as deadly — can see its destructive nature and pull out of the dive before its diet crashes. Because “solving” hunger by driving people into cities to take low-paying jobs so they can buy burgers and fries is hardly a desirable outcome.”

I may not need meat but want it as have yet to taste any substitute to match the taste of say a steak. I also want milk in my tea, butter & cheese too in an occasional sandwich .

But there are other issues to be considered too such as the production of leather goods.

That is the problem, it takes many generations to be proved either way.