Over 50's Wales Club

Nice and sunny here today and I managed to get some tidying up in the garden. Who did win CBB ?

It was Stephen Bear Jess . A lot of speculation about it being a fix
He behaved very badly but got away with a lot that was not even showed

Morning all. Real autumn feeling morning here, lots of mist in the valley, hope the sun will break through soon.

Lovely warm sunshine here .Going out for my weekly pub-lunch later and get dressed.so am staying in my nightie until I have to go. Hope I donā€™t get visitors.LOL

Lovely day here, just right temperature and not humid.

My face and around my eye have swollen from what ever stung my head, so keeping indoors.

That sounds nasty Celynā€¦perhaps you should have a doc look at it.:shock:
Very warm in class this morning and then problems with the Penarth train caused me to miss my connectionā€¦not a happy bunnyā€¦still at least the sun is still shining :cool:

Thanks Jac I thought he was disgusting, but then others said it wouldnā€™t have been interesting. I very rarely watch it. Sue maybe you should see the doc about the stings. Nimby I hate when they take a train off for some reason.

Jess, itā€™s Celyn who had the stings - and yes, I think she should go to the Drā€™s too!!

Overcast here this morning, but think weā€™ll take Rob out shopping and lunching anyway.

Sorry Sue enjoy taking Rob out shopping and for lunch. Overcast here at the moment and I might head into town later for some shopping.

Overcast and it has been raining but clearing now so Iā€™ve chanced putting washing out
Daughter came down yesterday and had bought me a Himalayan Rock Salt lamp . I had read about it on FB and G/daughter in Oz said they are very popular there . Not sure what it really does so will have to google it later . It looks nice anyway and supposed to be good for you ?
Anyone know anything about them ?

Supposed to improve air quality I think Jacā€¦something to do with rays? given off by electrical itemsā€¦
Had a bit of sad news this morningā€¦a friend of mine has been diagnosed with Alzheimersā€¦she and her late husband were very good to me when my husband diedā€¦making sure I didnā€™t lose touch with the GC by taking me there every week for a drinkā€¦

I had to Google those lamps too Jac, very pretty, whether or not they do anything!

WHITE RABBITS!!! Canā€™t believe itā€™s September. Taking Rob to the dentist this morning for a check up. Parking at Brecon hospital is diabolical so not looking forward to this expedition.

Good morning everybody. A bit overcast here at the moment and Iā€™m off to the opticians later for a check up. Jac one of my nieces bought me one of those lamps but to be honest I never used it. Nimby sorry to hear about your friend. Sue good luck with parking today at the hospital.

I have been googling the lamps as well . My granddaughter said you had to leave them on all the time but the lady in the shop didnt agree . I had it on all evening ,left it on all night but its so sunny here and my window is wide open I just had to turn it off. It did look nice in the evening so Iā€™ll persevere,supposed to be good for stress so weā€™ll see. Didnā€™t realise they are so popular

Overcast and grey here but a bit humid
Not doing much
Sorry about your friend Nimby xx

Very humid here tooā€¦yes Jacā€¦itā€™s a shame about my friendā€¦a clever and intelligent lady tooā€¦

Hi everybody a bit overcast here today but very little rain. Had my hair done today and feel a lot better with it cut a bit shorter.

Lashing down with rain here and quite cold . Feels like mid-winter
Happy Birthday Celyn , hope you have a good one xxx

Pouring down here.Horrible driving conditions on M4,glad to be in for the rest of the day.
Taking my cue from Jacā€“Happy Birthday Celyn.

Happy Birthday again from me Celyn, hope it was a good day.

Have just about thawed out after spending a long morning with a bucket for the Air Ambulance at the Antiques Fair on the Showground. Came home soaked (well feet and legs were) so changed clothes and cooked some lunch and then went to sleep! Feeling better now.

Canā€™t believe itā€™s time for Strictly againā€¦