Over 50's Wales Club

We’ve had a sandwich day. Rain this morning, sun this afternoon, and now raining again.

Well that was a bit of a shock. Got up and drew the curtains to discover a white world out there! Only a dusting, thank goodness, and the sun is out now so it all looks very pretty. Hope we don’t get any more or I won’t get to the Womens World Day of Prayer Service this evening!

Lovely sunshine here Sue I’ve been sat reading with the balcony window wide open . Chilly when the sun goes behind cloud though
Just put some chicken in to casserole for later. That’s my excitement for today lol
Hope none of you get snowed in

I came home from the doctors in cold but sunny weather. Sat in the sitting room, curtains drawn, talking to daughter on phone. Went into kitchen to see snow falling heavily. Shock, horror! Sun out again now, everywhere soggy and cold…

Tried to snow all morning and by 3.30 pm it was starting to cover the field. I had to go to Church service in Hay this evening so was having fits by about 4 pm. Hate driving on my own at night when it’s snowing. However, it didn’t come to much so set off (with wellies, woolly hat and torch in a bag, just in case). Just back and there isn’t a flake of snow anywhere, but it’s very cold. Off to play bowls in the morning, so hoping it stays clear overnight.

My daughter, who likes to weather watch, What’s Apped me to say if I was travelling home from the hospital to hurry because snow would be with me in 30 mins. 3 hours later and I’m still waiting. Apparently it burnt out over Salisbury.

Had some really bad snow/sleet storms through the day, although pretty local. Couldn’t see in front of me on the M3 and then 5 mins. Later bone dry and sun out.

Very cold wind this morning-no snow but the cars coming down from the valley yesterday had snow on them,the Beacons are white.Saw two lovely Red Kites on our walk earlier.
Was hoping to do a bit in the garden today but think it’ll be too cold.

Good morning cold wind here today and its sunny.Also looking over to one of the islands its covered in snow. Will be wrapping up warm to go out later for a walk and some shopping.

Lovely warm sunshine here all morning , I’ve only just shut my window Amazing how we all have such different weather and not a long way apart.
Still feeling yuk so a quiet one for me

Can’t believe it Jac. It’s been hail, sleet, a wee bit of sun, and downright COLD!!

Sunny but a cold morning.
Had a lovely surprise late yesterday afternoon-son no2 walked thro’ the door with a bouquet of flowers for Mother’s day:-D.Just a flying visit he’s going back to Windsor late morning today.Probably be blubbering after he leaves!Going to son no1 for lunch so that’ll cheer me up.
Think of my Mother every day.Wish I could give a cwtsh for Mother’s day.

Called in to pick up Lexi yesterday after bowls - house was empty but met No.3 son on his way back - he’d been up to my place to drop her off. He’s off with a girlfriend who is running a half marathon this morning - (I did point out that it was MOTHERS DAY). Somewhat mollified to find a nice box of chocs and a card when I got home though (and Lexi was thrilled to see me).
The other family are all v busy lambing so doubt I will see them.

Such a strange morning, bit of frost but very still, not a breath of wind. No sun, but we might have some later. The snowdrops are amazing, some clumps are still only just opening. There are some daffs out too, but they don’t stand up to the rough weather as well as the snowdrops.

Lexi will give cwtches Sue. It was sunny, with frost, but looking a bit grey now. Son is going to descend on me at some time this morning. Youngest daughter sent flowers from South Wales and eldest daughter offered to come over. I like my girls, as they are mothers, to enjoy their own Mother’s Day as I did before they had children. They both need a day of pampering as they are both facing their own difficulties at the moment. I know what you mean rhosyn. I do wish my Mum was here, what I wouldn’t give to just have 5 minutes with her. I shall head for the hospital later.

Overcast and much colder today
Haven’t heard from family yet but they are not early risers so will prob call down later
Have a good one Mothers xxx

Good morning everybody. Going for a walk later, my snowdrops and crocus’s and other spring flowers are coming through.

Oh dear, snow again this morning. Rob not very well last night after carer sneezed and coughed all over his all weekend. Hope he’s better this morning. Just going to get him bathed and dressed.

Bright sunshine here…but cold. Poor Rob. That’s the nightmare with carers, especially at this time of year. Can you get any masks in house, ready , in case it happens again? Hope he’s not developing anything.

Snowed here in the night,but not a lot left on the ground this morning.One of my dog walking friends wants more snow because her two Collie pups haven’t see the white stuff yet.
Hope Rob won’t get the cold germs.

Cold and sunny here again this morning. Off to meet friends in town for coffee.Sue hope that Rob hasn’t caught any germs.

Carer was wearing a mask but Rob still has the germs!! Dosing him with paracetamol, ribena, oranges and home made rice pud!!

Snow all gone and lovely sunshine here now. Let’s hope it stays that way.