Over 50's Club Scotland

Morning. Glad you had a safe journey Rox . Hope all goes wellSome food shopping for me and then hope to get put and do a bit more in the garden.

Morning. Not sure what the weather will be like today. I’ll probably catch up on some housework and see what’s in the laundry basket for washing. Then some lunch and a visit to the shops.

Morning, Beautiful here in Perth today, been to the pool here and now having a latte in their cafe, watching the ones still in the pool. Hoping to get out into the garden later and get some weeds pulled.
Enjoy your day. :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning. Still waiting for the sun to appear, accccording to my phone its going to be warm here. Not much planned for today. Been ot in the garden the last few days pulling out weeds. Enjoy your day

Afternoon, been in the garden all morning and now waiting at B&Q for my son to get a couple of bags of woodchips for me. Out with several of my friends for dinner tonight.

Hi Rox. Got some more weeding done yesterday. I’m only going out for about ten minute at a time. Hope you enjoyed dinner last night with your friends. I’m sorting through old photos at the minute. remembering all the good times with family and friends.

Morning, Just out of the pool, had a nice quiet swim. All caught up with jobs now, big family do tomorrow evening then I’ll drive back up the road on Sunday.
Have a nice day.

Morning. Enjoy the family do tomorrow night and safe journey home on Sunday. Wont be doing much here because of the weather. Its more like winter with wind and the odd shower
 Got a bit of shopping to do later, then back home for some lunch.

Morning, Well up the road now, at Tesco in Dingwall to get petrol and a wee rest. Left Perth around 5am as I was wide awake and decided to get going before the road gets busy. Should be home before 11am. Enjoy your day.

Morning. Nothing much planned except for some housework. Been sorting through old photos of family and friends, got them into piles so will put them into plastic bags and put them back in the drawer again.

Afternoon, Weather is not too bad today, but my blood pressure is almost through the roof
And rising.
I hate being stuck in waiting for deliveries and today’s should have been between 1pm and 3.30pm. Still waiting gggrrrr.
Just caught up with jobs in the house, and away to get the veggies sorted for dinner.
Hope your days going better.

Evening. Weather turned out ok after a few showers this morning. Met some friends this afternoon for some lunch and a few drinks. I hate waiting in for deliveries or workmen.Hope your delivery finally arrived today.

Nope, no sign of it. :rage:

Morning. Weather not very nice here more like winter. Not much on today except for going to the hairdressers. Hope your parcel finally turned up.

Evening, Blimey it’s cold, windows shut and fire on
 :fire:Ridiculous. :person_shrugging:
Had another email saying parcel would be delivered today, it wasn’t. :rage:
I’m going to have to go to Wick tomorrow and see what’s going on
Fume. :frowning:
Had another day hanging about here, sure won’t be a third.
Hope your day was a lot better.

Morning. Really cold here yesterday, I put my winter coat on again, had my hair done some quick shopping and home again. Housework today and then a walk into town and maybe some lunch. Hope that the parcel finally arrives today.

Evening, Still cold here with lots of showers, went to the pool and stayed late chatting.
Finally got my parcel, was heading over to the parcel office after lunch but the postie came beforehand, I was glad as I didn’t want go drive away over there.
Night in front of the telly for us.

Evening. Still like winter here today really windy and cold. Met friends this morning for coffee and a chat. Then I went and looked at lamps for my bedside tables, some are rechargeable and battery operated, I’ll wait and get my nieces advice. Glad you finally got the parcel delivered.

Evening, I could hardly believe my eyes this morning, there’s fresh snow up on the mountains
Sheeezzzee :dizzy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::astonished:
Very cold wind and the ocean is whipping up, unbelievable at this time of year
Just had stuff to catch up on round here today, really tired think it will be an early night for me while himself watches the tennis in peace.

Morning. That’s what my friends and I were saying yesterday, it was cold enough for snow. Still that cold wind blowing here this morning, although the sun is shining. No food shopping today , maybe a look round the shops later.,