Over 50's Club Scotland

Morning, Still very cold and windy here, Going to have lunch shortly with the girls then maybe Wicks shops, see what the weather’s doing.
No pool this morning just not in the mood.

Morning. Still really cold and windy here as well this morning. Not much planned for today either, not going into Glasgow as it will be to busy on a Saturday. Enjoy your lunch and shopping with your friends.

Afternoon, Same old weather here, cold, windy and heavy showers. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::sob: This is certainly not summer at all.
Went into Thurso to the chemist and then Tesco and been home ever since. Just faffing about looking for things to do, not going out for dinner tonight neither of us can be bothered. This lack of summer is starting to get to us both I think.
Oh Well, tomorrow’s another day. :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning. The sun did come out yesterday for a little while then disappeared again. Went to Paisley yesterday for a change and had a look round the shops there. Have the chiropodist coming later, also going to try and get out in the garden and get some weeding done.

Afternoon, Been away along the coast with himself, had a stroll along Strathy Cove and some pluttering about in the caves as the tide was out. Then had lunch in a Bettyhill pub, we stopped at Puffin Cove on the way home, my first visit there, I knew roughly where it was but there are no signs and you can’t see it from the road, but Dunc knew where it was.
Enjoyed today.

Morning. Sounds like you had a great day out yesterday, a stroll along then lunch. That’s one of the things I miss about living in Largs, going for long walks and fish and chips. Got some weeding done in the garden yesterday, so that looks a lot better. Meeting a friend later for coffee and a chat.

Morning, Not too bad here at the moment so I’m going to get into the weeding shortly. Then this afternoon we’re heading to the leisure centre as Himself fancies a spell in the Sauna and Wet rooms, I’ll swim and then relax in one of the hot tubs.
Yes I enjoyed the run out to Puffin Cove, I’d never have found it on my own yet I pass the way in often when I head to Strathy or Durness. :joy: It’s very well hidden.


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Morning, Dry here at the moment and no wind. Its my friends birthday today so I’ll be going there later with her present, her sisters will be there as well. Puffin Cove looks amazing a bit like something from Harry Potter. Enjoy your day.

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Morning, No pool today I slept in, would normally go later but with the schools off it will be too busy.
Still cold n wet here so just be faffing about round the place, if it clears I might walk later on.

Morning. Every were is busy here with the schools being off for thr holidays. Had a nice time at my friends yesterday at her birthday tea. Weather isn’t to bad here so might go out in the garden and get some more weeding done.

Evening, well today’s weather was a surprise it was lovely out. I decided to get into the garden after lunch, but sat on the lounger with my latte and dozed off :joy: Now I’m all red and a bit sore. :grimacing:
Hopefully tomorrow will be another good day.
Glad you had a good time yesterday.

Morning. Weather here wasn’t to bad yesterday, sunny but a bit cool. .Was out with my niece for a litle while then the hairdressers. Nieces coming shortly and we are off to Largs for the day so looking forward to it. Hope you manage to get some sunshine today.

Morning, Well it was too much to ask for that we managed another summer day. It’s dry though so I’ll get into the weeding in a while, out to dinner this evening then the village pub for a while. Enjoy your day in Largs.

Morning. Weather wasn’t that great here a bit cool, had a lovely time yesterday in Largs. Visited the place I used to stay, its changed quite a bit regarding the grounds which used to be well kept. We ended up going for fish and chips which were the best I’ve had for a while.

Glad you enjoyed your trip back. I am not in the mood to do anything at all today, slept late and still in pjs.
Weather’s cool and dark…yuck.

Morning. Hope your feeling better this morning. Glad all this football is finished and we can get some peace. Some housework this morning then I want to go into town and try to get a pair of sandals.

Morning, Just back from the pool, spent too long yacking and now running late. Going into town to get my toenails cut shortly then into Tesco on the way home.
Still awful weather, beginning to wonder if we’re going to have a summer at all.

Morning. Sun is out here today thank goodness. n the afternoon.Washing out and I’m waiting for my nephew to come and doa few odd jobs for me. Then I’ll probably do some more weeding i

Evening, Another at home day apart from the pool. Did some tidying up in the garden and a few bits around the house, I’m not tired tonight for some reason just hoping I’m not going to be awake most of the night…Again.