Over 50's Club Scotland

Evening, Been miserable here too but we went for a drive along the top coast, had lunch in a wee pub after a walk through some woods and round a wee Loch. It was so weird without The Hairy One running around , I really don’t like walking without him.

Afternoon finally stopped raining here. Went to the hairdressers then over to Primark for a few things, then M&S for some food shopping. Started knitting baby hats again to pass the time.

We have our hairdressers come to our house. My self, my wife, my sister, and the lady three doors down. Excellent and very convenient.

Good morning. Going into town later looking for a new clock radio, maybe have some lunch when I’m there. Boe my hairdresser lives round the corner and would come and do my hair if I couldn’t manage it.

Morning All, Donna my hairdresser down in Perth comes to my house to cut a couple of inches off my hair. It’s only cut once a year and actually it’s overdue now, so the next Perth Trip will be getting it done.
Been to the pool and been to Tesco, so now I’ve a load of washing and ironing to do…Oh Joy. :woozy_face:

Mobile Hairdresser. Just arrived at Sterling Uni
1950 60. Perming Machine
GD. Not sure if she’s being Curled. Or Electrocuted.
Sorry Lassies. Wearing my Tam o Shanter made me do it. :wink: :wink:

Looks like she’s tangled up in an octopuss’s tentacles. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Good evening. Went into town and bought a pair of trousers and a few tops. Did a bit in the garden when I got home and cut some roses and put them in vases. I remember getting perms but not like that, thank goodness.

Morning, Nice today suns out but quite a cool breeze. Went swimming then sat at the front with my latte as usual, need my daily dose of the ocean. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Not sure what’s on today probably down at the stable or out in the garden, anyway have a nice day.

Good morning. Sun was out earlier but now turning cooler. Waiting for new bedside tables to be delivered, have to empty the drawers in the old ones then put everything back in the new ones…, Then ask my niece to put them on the free page and hope someone takes them.

Afternoon, Sun’s out again but that cool wind is a pain. Still, this is Caithness and wind of some degree is a daily occurrence. :dash:
Pool earlier and been catching up on some weeding the last couple of hours, time to relax now. :coffee: :open_book:

Evening sun was out here but it wasn’t that warm. Had a gardener here today, he cut some branches off a tree that were overhanging the fence. He also cut the hedge and trimmed some bushes, really pleased with the work he done. Will certainly use him again.

Morning, It’s another nice day here, Himself says if it’s still nice after lunch we’ll drive along the coast a bit and take the Clydes into the hills for a couple of hours, then he says it’s time we went out for dinner again like we used to most Saturdays.
He’s trying to ease me back into our normal life, but I’m still finding it so hard without The Hairy One.
Enjoy your Weekend.

Morning, Looks like its going to be another nice day here. Meeting friends later for lunch and a wander round the shops. Enjoy your day out with the horses and dinner later tonight.

Good evening. A lot cooler here today after the lovely sunshine yesterday. Moving clothes from one set of drawers to another, taking my time with it. Also makeup and perfume, my friend gave me a bottle of perfume yesterday for my birthday.

Evening, Another long day doing nothing, had a heck of a sore head the last few days. Was scared it was going to migrate into a migraine, everytime I moved pain flashed through it. :sob:
Easing up n now thank goodness, tomorrow might just normal.

Morning. Hope your feeling better today Rox. Really cold here yesterday like winter, not much better today its raining. Rearranging drawers and putting things in a bag for charity. Then food shopping later in the afternoon.

Morning Jess, Yes still a bit delicate but getting there. Need to go over to the big Tesco in Wick and Himself says he’ll drive me over after lunch.
Just slowly catching up on house jobs this morning with breaks in between them.
Weather’s not good here, really cold winds blasting off the sea, to rain later. Not like summer at all.
Did you see us on the the News, it’s hellish the state of the roads, Councils getting sued left right and centre.

BBC News - ‘Welcome to the moon’ - Scottish town’s pothole problem - BBC News

Good morning Rox. Glad to hear your feeling better today. I was at Tesco with my niece the other week and bought bleach and soap powder enough to keep me going for a while. Weather hasn’t been that great here either more like winter. The roads here are the same they fling whatever into the pothole and a few weeks later its as bad as ever.

Morning Jess, Still not returned to the pool but the head is ok now. Weather’s not great AND, can you believe it, there’s fresh snow up on the hills :astonished: I hope it blooming well stays up there.
No plans really just waiting to see what the weather does, might work in the greenhouse later.