Over 50's Club Scotland

Good evening been a lovely sunny day here. Niece came round and started painting my fence. So tomorrow I’ll get out and start weeding.

Evening, You’re going to be busy tomorrow then. I’ve got the ground all ready for the seeds but I’m too tired to carry a full watering can up n down to soak it all. Meant to be wet tomorrow so nature can drench it then I’ll get the seeds in.

Morning. Hope you manage to get the seeds in today. Some more weeding for me today, then niece coming round later to do some more painting.

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Morning, No rain yet but I think it’s on it’s way. Very dull and cloudy with a bit of a breeze.
Not doing anything today if I can help it, still tired and sore from the garden work the past couple of days. We didn’t even go out for dinner last night.
Got plenty of recorded telly to catch up with so might get into that.
Have a nice day.

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Good evening. Raining here after all the lovely sunshine that we had. Met two of my friends today and went for a coffee. Also booked a last minute holiday to Greece we are off on Thursday morning . The only thing is its an early flight at 7 30 am.

Morning Not too bad here weather wise. Off globe trotting again? Do you keep a packed suitcase in the hall cupboard? Heading over to Wick later today for the big shop and I might have a wander round the town shops as I won’t be walking out to the ruins of Castle Sinclair anymore.
Enjoy your day.

Good afternoon just back from the hairdressers, had my hair cut and coloured. No I don’t keep a packed suitcase in the cupboard, Hope you enjoy your wander round the shops today.

Greetings Lads & Lassies. Son of a Gunn here.
With one foot either side of the boarder. Devon & Moray.
GD & Stirling Uni. Having a wonderful experience.
This beady eye, popping, his two pennuth in on FB. JIC :wink:

Well that’s the rain on, won’t have to faff about with the watering can to soak the tubs and the beds.
Himself is flicking through the channels trying to find something decent to watch. HAH, he’ll be lucky the telly’s rubbish these days.

Hi Quin. Good morning have to start the packing today and do some last minute shopping. Rox have to agree about all the rubbish on television. I’ve got Netflix and usually find something to watch on there.

We only have Freeview, Himself refuses to pay for anything else, he says he pays the Licence Fee and he’s paying no more.
I used to have Virgin at my own home and I had the one channel I was hooked on, it’s called “Alibi” but it’s one we can’t get and it’s a paid one anyway. Personally IF we could get it I would happily pay for that channel only. BUT…
Really warm today and away to have lunch out on the patio for a change, enjoy your time away Jess, I might just take a break from the internet while your away…

Hello Scotland!! just found this site and am looking around, I live in Western North Carolina in the US. A lot of Scottish ancestry here, told it looks a lot like the Scottish Highlands, don’t know personally. Anyway, Y’all have a great day!

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Hi Red. I couldn’t be without my television. Case all packed alarm set and taxi coming at 4 30 in the morning.

I have to have the noise! after raising 3 girls I cannot stand quiet! I used to pray for it! Where ya headed out to? Safe journey

Good evening…

Hello Jess, Did you have a nice break?
Not been doing much at all, the blooming weather has been blowing hot n cold, not to mention wet. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Hi Rox, had a lovely time thanks, A bit to warm so I sat in the shade quite a lot. Case unpacked and the washing done. It was my nieces birthday when I was away so taking her out to dinner later.

Good morning. Not very nice here this morning its raining, been catching up on washing and the ironing. Going out later for a Sunday paper and maybe a bottle of wine.

Afternoon, Not very nice here either. Not been outside at all just faffing about in the house, set some audio books to download just waiting for the last couple to finish.

Good morning. Cold here this morning so its catching up with housework and a few other things. Will go to the shops later , I’ve a few tops to take back to Sainsbury’s.