Over 50's Club Scotland

Afternoon. Good to see a few others posting on here. Rox sorry you have to use a stick now when your going out. Did some washing and hung it out there was some sunshine and a wind so hopefully it will be a bit dry when I bring it in. Had my hair done as well today and then some food shopping.

I think it always does the wash good to get a blow through especially after Winter drying inside, had some towels out on the ropes myself.
Yes itā€™s good to have some more coming in here, May and Bonnie have just vanished without traceā€¦ Shame.

i had Mays email somewhere,but cant find it

Well it didnā€™t half go dark and gloomy early today ā€¦ though I notice the snow warning for my area had for Thursday has been downgraded now to sleet.

I hope my Scottish friends are well wrapped up warm.

Hey Rox, thatā€™s not too bad. At least youā€™re mobile now. Still enjoying your swimming? Iā€™m always so jealous of your lovely long locks! Take care :hugs:

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Good morning. Doc I used to have Mayā€™s email address and phone number. Morticia it doesnā€™t look to bad out there this morning, the sun is shining. Hi Minx. Rox cant wait till I can hang out the washing all the time. Need a few new bathmats so will head over to the shopping centre later.

Morning, Well we have snow again. Started while I was swimming so had to drive several miles home in it afterwards. :sob: :cold_face:
Didnā€™t even take my coffee to the sea front for my daily soak up of ocean air and wave watch.
Put the ice grips back on my boots and took the Hairy One to the forest for his walk, just a catch up round here for the rest of the day.

Yes I love my swim and natter with the usual ones at the pool. Iā€™ve actually had about 10 inches off my hair it was just too long, now I can keep it tidy again.
If growing yours get it to a stage you can tie it back, then itā€™s all easy going. Usually just above the shoulders.

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Iā€™m glad you are enjoying your swimming!

My hair is currently medium length and over my shoulders, thereā€™s just not a lot of it. Itā€™s been thinning as I age :pleading_face:. The joys of getting older. Iā€™ll be 51 end of July. Itā€™s all downhill now. :hugs:

You need to start taking high strength Biotin with Zinc and Selenium. I take 3 a day and itā€™s done wonders for my hair. Itā€™s thicker and not coming out when itā€™s brushed. I get these off Ebay.

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Thank you Rox. Iā€™ll try these. :hugs:

Iā€™ll be joining the ranks of the supplement junkies soon ā€¦ :face_exhaling: Never taken any in my life before but iā€™m considering it now.

@Minx ā€¦ 51 ā€¦ youā€™re in your prime. Tssk ā€¦ thatā€™s not old or even close to it.

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Iā€™ve also given supplements a wide berth but itā€™s time to start embracing them.

Age - itā€™s all relative. :hugs:

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I started the Biotin a year ago after my accident. My hair was coming out in my brush a lot, it was noticeably thinner, I spoke to my GP about it and she told me I had gone to hell and back with what happened to my leg in the fall, and my body was putting everything into healing my leg, therefore my hair ect lost all the maintenance it got from my body and thinning/loss was the result. It took a few months for my hair to repair and go back to
how it was and now Iā€™m sticking with the Biotin. I also used a special shampoo for hair loss/thinning lots on the market to choose from.


Thatā€™s worth knowing Rox ā€¦ thanks ā€¦ and youā€™ve always had the most beautiful hair so I bet you;re glad youā€™ve nourished it back to health.

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Thankyou, my hair has always been my pride and joy. I was in tears a lot of the time when it was coming out, I felt terrible, still not as thick as I want it but I guess age comes into the equasion (spelling?) as well. Still itā€™s a hell of a lot better than this time last year.

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Morning, Sheeezze itā€™s blooming cold out there, no pool I couldnā€™t even get into the car itā€™s frozen solid. :slightly_frowning_face:
Waiting till lunchtime to walk The Hairy One as itā€™s starting to thaw a wee bit.
Just a lazy day apart from that.

Good morning. Rox Iā€™d love to try those supplements but I donā€™t do online shopping. Morty I take Centrium for the over 50ā€™s going to start taking cod liver oil capsules again. No snow here so far, going into town later for a facial one of my treats to myself.

Morning ladies ā€¦ er, afternoonā€¦ :blush:
Iā€™m thinking of taking a multivitamin ā€¦ my GPā€™s told me Iā€™m low on Vit B12 and Iā€™m thinking omega 3 sounds advisable too.

Weather sounds a bit rough for you ā€¦ all Iā€™ve got is some sleet and itā€™s rather gusty.

@Rox ā€¦ my hairā€™s gone terrible in the last few months, real dry and bitty ā€¦ and my nails are brittle.
Oh to be young and sexy again! :rofl:

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bet you were a tasty bit of crackling lol