Over 50's Club Scotland

He is lovely he looks like a chunkier verison of a wolfhound and I was a bit baffled but now that makes sense the poodle side,.

When I was a youngster we had a OES crossed with A Beardie called Ben cracking dog.

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Morning, Everyoneā€™s vanished again. :sob: Not at the pool this morning, caught myself a nice (not) dose of the cold, coughing and sneezing most of the night and feeling yuck. :face_with_thermometer: Will head to the beach with the Hairy One later and get some fresh sea air, nothing else planned.
Have a nice day all.

Good afternoon Rox. Hope you feel better soon. Lovely sunny day here but cold.

hello scotland,long time no see,has anyone any idea where May is/or as she left

Hi, Scot Hi Doctor, May has been missing for some time now, along with a few others who used to be on this thread daily.
Getting dark now and over the water the Shetlanders will soon be getting ready for the torch light parade to the harbour and the galley burning. I love ā€œUp Helly Aaā€ itā€™s a great night, but this is the 2nd year in a row weā€™ve not been able to go. This leg injury is not up to it yet, maybe get back next year.

OMG, itā€™s ffffreezing that icy wind coming in off the water is bone chilling. Back to Weather Warnings again too. :sob: Been to the pool, walked the hairy one, a short walk, and now home for the rest of the day. :cold_face:

thanks Rox,yes noticed a few missing faces,and the welsh thread has died,hope yer leg gets better soon

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Good evening got home this evening and its coldā€¦ Weather was lovely and warm every day but a cold at night time. Good to see a few posts from different people. Rox sorry to hear that you are still having bother with your leg.

Afternoon, Turned cold again and more snow is due to dump on us in Caithness by the middle of the week. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :cold_face:
The botherā€™s not really with my knee thereā€™s no pain now, but itā€™s left me with very little balance, and I canā€™t stand in one place for long anymore.

Hi Rox rain here today but it wasnā€™t to cold. Not sure what the forecast is here for this week. I just hope it isnā€™t snow. Went out for a Sunday paper and that was about it, going out to dinner shortly with my niece.

Give it time ā€¦ whilst it was healing perhaps the leg has just weakened a little bit and the muscle needs building up ?

Wait till the nicer weather and you and your hairy one can get in loads of walks.

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Oh forgot to say ā€¦ the weathermen had predicted a cold snap about the 6th, and snow.
Wrap up warm!

Morning, Wind and rain again, BUT, itā€™s getting lighter for my drive home from the pool so thatā€™s good, the days are getting a wee bit longer.
Need to head over to Wick later for the big shop and stock up. Not taking Dageus as itā€™s too wild for the cliff walk to the castle ruins. Last time I was there it was all snowy, looked a different place lol.

Good morning. Looks quite windy out there at the moment, holiday washing all done and in the dryer . Going into town later for something I need then some food shopping.

Get your winter warners out ladies ā€¦ the Met office have issued weather warnings for snow on Thursday.

Iā€™m nipping out this aft to do some errands and pick up a prescription ā€¦ otherwise not much on.

Hi Morty I believe the snow is to be down south as well as up here. So you take care too. :cold_face:

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Rox, how are you doing? Have you recovered from your knee surgery? :hugs:

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Checked my phone and its going to get colder. So Iā€™ll be getting the thermals out. Got something for dinner and tomorrow Iā€™ll go shopping and get food for the freezer.

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Hi Minx, Your a stranger. Yes Iā€™m all healed and pain free, BUT, itā€™s left me with a balance problem, always have to use a stick when going out now. Most annoying and embarrassing. :sob:

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Morning, Rough night and up now with a latte. Heading away early for my swim shortly to be followed by a soak in the hot Jacuzzi for a while, hopefully that will unwind me and I can snooze for a while.
Weather looks dry but still a strong wind rattling the windows. Have a good day all.