Over 50's Club Scotland

Ice here too and it is South Yorkshire !
It is now a scorching 4C…

Good afternoon. A bit warmer here today thank goodness. Wrapped up warm and caught the bus to Braehead and did some food shopping in M&s , just felt I had to get out of the house for a little while.

Morning, Ohhhhhh Lordy, let the hairy one out the back and what a frost. No way am I standing scraping the car to go to the pool, it will take ages, think on freezing mornings like this I’m going to swim around lunch time when it should be a few degrees above freezing.
Apart from dog walking I’ve nothing planned, glad I got those leaves up yesterday they’d have been frozen to the ground this morning.

Good morning. The last time I remember scraping the car was when I was working. New bed coming so old one is stripped ready for them to take away. Feeling lots better this morning but still taking it easy.

Afternoon hope your fully recovered now and back to normal. It’s been snowing here, not a lot but enough to make me shiver. The next few days are really cold minus 5 or 6 at night and staying below freezing through the day…Oh Joy. :sob:
Heading out to the local tonight there’s a bit of a getogether for St Andrews Day so we’ll go for a couple of hours.

Hi Rox, feeling a lot better thanks still taking the pills. Went for a blood test today for liver and kidney, hope they’re ok. Enjoy your night out for Saint Andrews Day. Niece just texted me its minus three here at the moment.

Morning Jess, I’m sure your bloods will be fine. it’s just routine I have my personal MOT every year in the summer and bloods are tested for just about everything you can think of.
Really cold here this morning, heavy frost but I went to the pool and took my time on the roads, glad I went as it was quiet and I got a good swim. Coffee and toast then off with The Hairy One, but not before I put the ice grips on my boots.

Morning Rox, its been a few years since I had blood taken at the Surgery. So not to worried about it as I suppose it has to be done. Glad you had peace and quiet to enjoy your swim today. It doesn’t look to bad out there this morning. Hairdressers later and my hair is really needing it as I didn’t get last week.

I only see my hairdresser once a year and she comes to the house and cuts a couple of inches off my mane. I think short hair needs more doing to it than long hair lol.
Enjoy your day.

Morning Jess, Are you ok?

Hi Rox. I have just received a bottle of 12 year old Old Pulteney malt from my eldest granddaughter for my 86th birthday today. I believe it is distilled up in your neck of the woods.

Hi Scott, Happy birthday :birthday: Yes it’s made over in Wick. Thurso is the home of a Whisky called Wolfburn.

Thanks Rox . Wolfburn, that’s a new one for me.

It’s been around for quite a long time. You might find this interesting…

History of Wolfburn and its legacy of exceptional whisky.

I hope you are okay up in the north Rox. It was pretty wild here for a while but not as bad as farther north. My partner and I have been suffering from heavy colds for the past fortnight but feeling better now.

Hi Scot, It’s pretty wild, horribly strong winds, couldn’t believe it when Dageus was blown off his feet, he was not a happy chappie I can tell you. :roll_eyes:
Couldn’t get onto Thurso Beach as the water was flooded over the walkway, also down at the other beach, all no go areas. :astonished:
We’ve got snow today as well as the wind, but it has lessened a bit.
The towns Christmas Tree in the Square was blown over as well, that was a surprise. :astonished:
I’m getting a bit concerned about our Jess, I hope she’s ok.

Certainly looks wild Rox. Yes it is unusual not to hear from Jess for so long. It must be almost a year since your accident,

Yes, 3rd January around 10.30am.
Slightest bit of ice and I have ice grips straight onto my boots, being so careful, am terrified of falling again.

I hope you are okay up north Rox. Really wild here with a gale blowing and horizontal rain.

It’s been crazy with snow and terrific winds here, we went down the A9 on Christmas Eve to go to my house in Perth for a few days, but we had to turn back after 35 miles as the snow gates at Berriedale were closed. Driving was tricky even for Himself’s land-rover so I doubt we would have actually made it. TOTAL WHITEOUT. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Yesterday was awful, I could have sworn the day room window was going to be blown in, it snowed most of the day to so we ended up stuck in the house.
Be sooooo glad when spring arrives.