Over 50's Club Scotland

Having a wee rest after getting most of the leaves raked into a pile, not too much left scattered about. Then lift them into the bin. This balance problem is such a hinderence it alters the way I have to do everything. :rage::sob:
I havenā€™t had a proper massage for a very long time either, when I go to the Chiropractor he gives my back a good going over so that feels good.

Good morning. Enjoyed my massage yesterday felt really relaxed after it. The leaves here can wait as I think I have a swollen gland, besides that its windy out there. Donā€™t really need anything form the shops as I have enough to keep me going.

Morning, Sounds like you need a quiet day at home. Itā€™s raining here and gale force winds, I went for a short walk with the hairy one and now Iā€™m home for the day.
What happened to the lovely crisp sunny autumn days we always used to haveā€¦Sigh.

Good morning. Went to the Doctorā€™s yesterday as I was feeling rough. It turns out I have a throat infection, so its antibiotics and painkillers for ten days. So will be staying home for the next few days, anything I need my nieces will bring it in for me.

Ohhhhh Nasty, Sorry to hear that, throat infection is sore and makes you really miserable. The antibiotics should kick in quickly though.
Been to the pool and am heading off out with the hairy one as soon as I finish my coffee.
Very slowly getting through the pruning and already had the first big sweep up of the leaves. Itā€™s the ferns turn this afternoon, I have 4 big ones and they need the dead fonds removed and cut back to the base. About 30 minutes work. I find it so annoying that I can only do a wee bit at a time now. :sob:. That fall back in January has changed my life beyond belief.

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Hi Rox. Any pruning can wit till next year Iā€™m not up to doing it this year, I can only do about ten minutes then my back get sore. . Been lying on the couch wrapped up in my dressing gown and fleece throw takiny my pills and having a nap.

Morning, How are you feeling today Jess? A wee bit better I hope. What a frost through the night the cars are pure whiteā€¦shudder.
If it stays sunny this afternoon then Iā€™ll do a bit more pruning, before the snow arrives. According to the weather apps we are in for a load of it next week, time to get my ice grips on my boots.

Morning. Feeling a lot better today thanks Rox. Really frosty here this morning so wont be going out again today. Will have to catch up on things in here that Iā€™ve been neglecting.

Morning Jess, Glad your on the mend, but donā€™t overdo things today. Lots of Haar about this morning canā€™t even see the water, and itā€™s very cold. Heading over to Wick to the massive Tesco while itā€™s quiet. Have a good mooch round in the clothes bit before I get the messages, then a coffee watching the ocean before I drive back.

Good morning. Rox that sure is eerie looking to drive through. Didnā€™t do a lot yesterday apart from putting a washing on and having a bath, which I really enjoyed. Today I have a painter coming to give me a quote for the kitchen and a small dining area. Not as cold looking out there although I wont be going out today.

Morning, Itā€™s dry but cold here this morning had to scrape the car before I could go to the pool. :cry:
In for a coffee at the moment, sweeping up the last of the leaves as thereā€™s no wind and pulling the snow shovels out of the barn to put into the house cellar, ready for use if/when needed. Want to get finished today or tomorrow as the garden bins get emptied on Wednesday and Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s it till the Spring. :crossed_fingers:

Ice here too and it is South Yorkshire !
It is now a scorching 4Cā€¦

Good afternoon. A bit warmer here today thank goodness. Wrapped up warm and caught the bus to Braehead and did some food shopping in M&s , just felt I had to get out of the house for a little while.

Morning, Ohhhhhh Lordy, let the hairy one out the back and what a frost. No way am I standing scraping the car to go to the pool, it will take ages, think on freezing mornings like this Iā€™m going to swim around lunch time when it should be a few degrees above freezing.
Apart from dog walking Iā€™ve nothing planned, glad I got those leaves up yesterday theyā€™d have been frozen to the ground this morning.

Good morning. The last time I remember scraping the car was when I was working. New bed coming so old one is stripped ready for them to take away. Feeling lots better this morning but still taking it easy.

Afternoon hope your fully recovered now and back to normal. Itā€™s been snowing here, not a lot but enough to make me shiver. The next few days are really cold minus 5 or 6 at night and staying below freezing through the dayā€¦Oh Joy. :sob:
Heading out to the local tonight thereā€™s a bit of a getogether for St Andrews Day so weā€™ll go for a couple of hours.

Hi Rox, feeling a lot better thanks still taking the pills. Went for a blood test today for liver and kidney, hope theyā€™re ok. Enjoy your night out for Saint Andrews Day. Niece just texted me its minus three here at the moment.

Morning Jess, Iā€™m sure your bloods will be fine. itā€™s just routine I have my personal MOT every year in the summer and bloods are tested for just about everything you can think of.
Really cold here this morning, heavy frost but I went to the pool and took my time on the roads, glad I went as it was quiet and I got a good swim. Coffee and toast then off with The Hairy One, but not before I put the ice grips on my boots.

Morning Rox, its been a few years since I had blood taken at the Surgery. So not to worried about it as I suppose it has to be done. Glad you had peace and quiet to enjoy your swim today. It doesnā€™t look to bad out there this morning. Hairdressers later and my hair is really needing it as I didnā€™t get last week.