Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Mike hope the Benylin works I hate cough medicine and never take it. May at least she managed to get some blood from you. Myrtle as Mike says we all remember the good tomes with our mums. Abbey sometimes I’ll have beans on toast if I don’t feel like making dinner. May I’ll be watching the programme I remember Peter Manual.

I love beans on toast Jess , might just have that !

Thanks for all the hugs, various, Mk.1. Much appreciated, and needed too!
One difference being that I luuuuv Benylin (Original) and many other cough medicines. Very tempting to “just have one more”. Naughty I know. The “Non-Drowsy” variant tastes like cat’s pee. Yuk!! I agree with you Jess, there are times when you just can’t be bothered to do a “proper” meal. Two options for me… A) A Chinese Takeaway (6mile round trip) or B) Toast and Marmalade - applied thickly. Hardly healthy options, but what the heck !! Will be watching that programme May. Thanks for the heads up!


Good evening all. A dull mild day up here. I have also been suffering from the lurgy or man flu as some describe it for the past two weeks. Feeling a bit better now. It was my 79th a couple of days ago and we had our daughter and family out so that cheered me up.

Belated Happy Birthday wishes Scot :113: x

Happy belated birthday Scot, hope you had a few falling down waters to celebrate, and good luck with the man flu, we do so suffer. :slight_smile:

Good Morning Each,another mild one here but staying Home today to catch up with housework,
Belated Birthday wishes Scot and I hope You’re soon rid of the dreaded lurgy,
You’ve all put Me in the notion for beans on toast,so that’s what I’m having for breakfast…see Ya All later,x

Good morning from drizzly Macclesfield :slight_smile:

Doing nothing much today except school pickup at 3.30 then dancing tonight :slight_smile:

All quiet on the Western Front.


Good morning all. Many thanks for my birthday wishes. I got a bottle of 10 year old Talisker Nom but I haven’t broached it yet. My wife was reminding me it is 47 years today since we moved into our present home. It was a new build and we still have 3 of our original neighbours though we have lost a few recently.

Afternoon Folks,it’s a weird kinda day altogether,no heating on for the 2nd day running :-D…Housework all done,windows cleaned and I even had a wee stint on the recumbent ex’ bike without too much pain…so a good Morning all round…bad news is I’ve put on some weight since I haven’t been able to go yomping for a while…well …I aint starting a diet now so I’ll think about it next year :-p

Hi everyone . Belated Happy Birthday to scot from me too !

OH got home from his 3 weeks in New Zealand today . Happy to be home and now fast asleep !

Oh well , nice evening with a glass of wine and looking at photos and chat might have to be tomorrow !

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Scott. May hen on yer bike. Abbey hope your enjoying your glass of wine and looking at the photo’s. Mime your a glutton for cough medicine. Myrtle hope you enjoyed your dancing. Hairdressers for me and some lunch in town today.

Good Morning Folks.

Good morning everybody raining here this morning. Off into town later to meet friends for lunch.

Good Afternoon All. Another grey damp day here. I went into town to get some stuff earlier and met a couple of folk who have got or just had the same cough sketch as moi. There seems to be a lot of it about! I “think” mine’s on the run now - hopefully. Itching to get the boots on and head for the hills again. I’ve got Cabin Fever now ! :smiley:

Take care folks.


Good afternoon :slight_smile:

A miserable day here too … been to dentist for a check up and got a few bits from town … really quiet in the shops.

I’ve still got a cold after 6 weeks although my cough is a lot better … every other person in town seemed to have their tissues out :lol:

I hope you manage to get out walking soon Mike … I’m away to Bournemouth next weekend and hoping to walk a bit of the South West coastal path near Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove … wish me luck !!! I need a walking buddy :frowning:

Morning All. A little better here today. The sun is lurking behind thin cloud. Looks promising for later. I’ve realised that I have a problem ! Let’s all put our chairs round in a circle and we can admit to the problem and how to face up to it. Well, I know that you good folk on here won’t spread it around but… I think I’m addicted to… Werthers Originals !! Oh the shame !! Just been down to the shops for extra supplies.:lol: In reality, I’ve found these the best thing for soothing a sore throat and suppressing the pesky cough. Unlike medicated lozenges, you don’t have to watch how many you have. I’ve never been a sweetie person, but I certainly am now. (Thinks… can I get them on prescription ??)

Enjoy your break on the South Coast Myrtle and I hope you find a walking buddy. Isn’t Lulworth Cove a firing range? Maybe keep your head down !! :lol:


Good morning :slight_smile:

Werther’s Original are yummy … thanks for the tip about them soothing a sore throat and cough Mike :slight_smile:

There is an area near Lulworth Cove which is MOD property … better wear my hard hat :shock:

Having a lazy day (again :blush:) today …

Take care everyone :slight_smile:

Good Afternoon Each…just back from Parkhead Forge shopping centre…jeeze…thought I’d miss the crowds first thing…wrong…Asda was mobbed…Bus got stuck behind a Marching band who were all wearing pale blue uniforms and some Folks were waving flags…haven’t a clue what it was about, Human rights maybe?..Gawd I miss a good march…loved the BAN THE BOMB ones…Them were the days :lol:

Ahh…Werthers original toffees…yummy…but My addiction is M&Ms…I have to scoot quickly past the aisle where they live…get them on prescription Laddie?..Ye just want jam oan it don’t Ye :-p

Have a great weekend Folks.x