Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Met up with some of the group today for a chat. Then had a pizza and ice cream at sea front. Came home and changed into shorts, then had a chat with some of the younger neighbours.

Morning, Thick cloud today and to be honest Iā€™m quite glad, itā€™s a lot easier to get on with things when itā€™s cooler, planning on getting a bit of weeding done if I have enough energy left after cutting 3 lawns.
Quiet beach walk early on, went dead early before the tourists got their buttā€™s up and out of their beds. :grin: I took my trainers off and paddled my way along the shore, it was lovely and not a soul in sight :ok_hand:
Have a nice day.

Good morning. Been to get my eyebrows and top lip waxed. Hairdressers next and then a bit of shopping at Brahead.

Lovely sunny day here today again. Got the chairs out and the parasol for later. Washing done and a few skites with the workin bunnet to the house. Itā€™s too warm for heavy cleaning.
Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts everyone.

I waved Bye Bye to ours yesterday. :rofl: Not sorry either.

Got my toenails painted, then had my hair done. A bit of food shopping and then the bus home. Sat outside in the shade when I got home and will sit outside again after dinner.

Good morning feels a bit cooler here this morning at the moment. A bit of gardening later and then sit outside for a wee while. Enjoy your day ladies whatever your getting up to.

Good evening warmest day here so far. Although there was thick cloud in the morning.
Went up to my daughters to watch the g/ kids in their pool. Wished I was their age lol!
Having prawn, mango and avocado wraps with salad. Canā€™t bear putting the oven on.
Enjoy your evening cheers.

Good evening. Jean you should have joined the children in their pool today. Your wraps sound delicious, love avocado. Really busy here today especially the ferry, was in town but came home early. Quiche and salad for me then, do a bit in the garden.

Good afternoon all. Lovely day here again but rain is forecast later.enjoying the sun while it lasts.
Have washed so much with this good weather have built up an ironing!
Will go for a walk later if the rain stays away and it is cooler.

Morning, What a night we had, thunder and lightning along with heavy rain all night. Thunder has stopped but itā€™s still raining, not sure what Iā€™ll be doing apart from dog walking, all depends on the weather again.
Have a nice day.


Send some down here Rox.

Just as an aside all the English are not like Liz Truss, we donā€™t like her either.


Good morning. Jean like you the ironing is piled up and the washing, I donā€™t care. Rox never seen or heard anything. looks like a light rain here. Some housework then get dressed and get the bus to Braehead and stay overnight with my niece then weā€™re off to Los Angeles in the morning.

Gosh Jess you sure have the travel bug. :wink: Do you keep a packed suitcase in the hall at all times? :joy: :joy: :joy:

Rox have case will travel as long as Iā€™m fit enough to travel. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Good Afternoon All,had some thunder & lightening late last Night,heavy rain sinceā€¦itā€™s now lovely & cool,
Showers heading Your way Gibbsā€¦take care,x
Bon voyage again Jessie,You must have an American accent by now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Morning, Another day of rain here, been on most of the night too. Swimming, Messages, Walk The Hairy One, in that order. Then itā€™s a catch up of things around here.
Have a nice day.

Good Afternoon Folks,had a busy morning doing all the stuff
I neglected doing during the heatwave,so windaes cleaned inside & out,and gave the carpets a shampooā€¦Also making tatties & mince for dinnerā€¦havenā€™t had that for Months so looking forward to it, :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Enjoy Your day All,x

Afternoon everyone. Enjoying the cooler air here today too. Was watching the grandchildren all day yesterday so having quite a lazy day today.
Having sea bass with tatties and veg. First time having a hot dinner for days.
Enjoy your day everyone. Oor Jess will be winging her way to Los Angeles!

Good afternoon off to my Daughterā€™s to get the grandchildren from school. Going to
Morrisons on the way back for a few things. Going to try their mince as May put me the notion for it yesterday.
Enjoy your day back to sunshine here.