Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Lovely day here Bonnie, did a bit in the garden and then walked along the prom. Met neighbours who had moved away about two years ago down for a visit. Rox saw a pair of swans building a nest and everybody was watching them.

Evening, Another lovely day here so I walked the Hairy One, tidied the house and bunged the dinner in the slow cooker. We put the Clydeā€™s in the horse box and headed away along the top coast road to near a forest there, spend about 3 hours in the saddle and enjoyed our afternoon out. This is when I wish we had a bath as well as a shower as I would have loved to sink into a roasting hot tub when we got back. Will just have to wait till my jacuzzi soak in the morning after my swim.

Morning, Another cold frosty start but now itā€™s warming up and the suns out. Am heading away shortly to take the Hairy One for a dander along the beach while I check the caves for some flat stones to paint.
Just in the greengouse this afternoon and if itā€™s warm enough Iā€™ll do a bit more weeding.
Have a nice day.

Good morning everybody. Still a few grey clouds here at the moment, just hope weā€™re going to get some sunshine. Not sure what to get up today, housework or a visit into Glasgow.

Afternoon all another lovely sunny one here but still cold. Dentist for me this afternoon. Hope donā€™t need any treatment!
Trying to get a big ironing done before I go.so itā€™s back to the ironing board for me.

Just having my lemon water then off to the pool for my swim. No frost out there this morning thank Heavens. I hate scraping the car.
Shopping over in Wick later this morning so a walk with the hairy one over the cliffs to Castle Sinclair is on the cards while we are there. No plans for the afternoon, see how it plays out.

Good morning, looks sunny and cold out there. Hairdressers for me and housework. Out this evening to the pub with the social group. Rox enjoy your swim. Bonnie hope its not to expensive at the dentists.

Afternoon all. It was only a slight frost here this morning but by gum it is freezing cold! Dentist was fine, Jess no treatment required. Went a lovely walk in the sunshine but well wrapped up. Spring is definitely trying to sprung so to speak. Enjoy your day everyone.

Hi Bonnie glad all went well at the dentist today. Really cold wind here as well today, so it looks like a taxi to the pub and home again.

Sitting by the fire looking out the window at wall to wall beautiful blue sky. But itā€™s blooming freezing out there, :cry: :cold_face: no out in the garden for me today.

Good morning, really windy again here this morning. Another nice wee night at the pub with lots of chatting and laughing. Not much planned for today, so will do some knitting.

Morning Jess and all who follow. Up early today as I had a blood test at 8.30 this morning.
Just pottering about today no plans for going anywhere. Walked back from the Drs and wind was blowing me away.
Having a late brekkie now. Supposed to be heavy rain later.

Hi Bonnie, hope that all is well with your bloods, and you get the results soon. I might go out before the weather changes although I dont really need anything.

Started off dry but windy here and soon turned to rainā€¦heavy rain. Just glad I got the dog out before it arrived. Iā€™m really tired today for some reason so I may head back to bed for a couple of hours after lunch. Not much else to do.
One fed up Dageus earlier, he has had that door open the last few days and enjoyed it, now heā€™s sulking.

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Good morning, dry here at the moment although the rain wont be that far away. Getting my nails done later, also want to take shopping bags down to the food bank. Then a look round the shops. Rox hope your feeling less tired today and manage to get out for a walk later.

Morning, Well the rains stopped thank goodnes but still got the blooming cold wind. Canā€™t stop in today so just have to bite the bullet. :roll_eyes: Had my swim and headed to the beach shortly with The Hairy One, got an appointment with the nurse for my BP check and an appointment with my Chiropractor this afternoon so will be a bit busy. Might have a wee wander round the few shops we have inbetween appointments, will see what the weatherā€™s doing. But Iā€™m more likely to park at the Beach Front with my coffee and just watch the waves. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Good morning everybody. Early start for me getting my colour done, so will get a few things in M&S while Iā€™m out. Rox hope everything went well yesterday with your BP check and the chiropracter.

Morning, Back to wet and windyā€¦again. Thanks Jess everything went fine. Nothing much on today just walking the dog and jobs round the house.
I see Boris is expecting us to take refugees into our homes. I donā€™t think so thankyou very much, I donā€™t even have friends in the house, just outside.

Good Morning Each,a bright chilly windy one here,so have washing blowing merrily out on the line,

Iā€™ve just finished filling in the online censusā€¦jeeze!
wharra palaverā€¦I had to answer everything except what
I had for My breakfast :roll_eyes:ā€¦Oh well,not much chance of Me having to do it again in another 10 years :grin:
Enjoy Your Weekend Folks,xx