Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Morning quite miserable here too. Going to clean my cooker. Get it really spotless then do all my cooking! Crazy isn’t it!
Weather for Christmas Day keeps changing. Thought we were going to get a light sprinkling snow. Anyway it will be what it will be.
Enjoy your day everyone.

Good evening everybody. Really cold here today I had to go in and buy socks and a scarf at Braehead. It was our annual Christmas lunch , really enjoyed it and we had a wee toast to absent friends. Glad that we met up after the news tonight. Have to put the cars up later and then sit down with a glass of wine.

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Just a quick note to say a new thread about Scotland has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Don’t forget you can view our mini-forum for Scotland here: Scotland Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Scotland are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ‘over 50s in Scotland’ will be more likely to spot the forum… and… hopefully… register and join in with you all :003:)


Been up most of the night with Dagues, he’s not well at all. I’m sure he ate something when we were out on Monday, he kept vanishing in the thick fog and I came on him head down and I’m sure he was eating. I yelled at him to come but he was very relant to. He wasn’t right yesterday and started being sick around lunch time, both of us are shattered but he’s not been sick for several hours now. No pool as I don’t want to leave him and I may have to end up at the Vet.

So sorry to hear your dog is unwell. I hope he recovers soon. You must be shattered. He sounds to be such a good companion. I would really like to get another dog but feel I am a bit too old now. Let us know how he goes. Sometimes they are like children really unwell and then bounce back very quickly. I really hope that’s how it will go for Dagues.

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Good morning. Rox hope that Dagues makes a speedy recovery, I don’t blame you for not wanting to leave him. Bonnie one of my friends asked me when I retired if I would get a dog, I’m afraid the answer was no. Getting my nails done later so catching up on housework.

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I hope your dog is okay Rox.
Sharp frost here this morning. I ordered a pack of lateral flow tests last night. I hope they come before Christmas. They are supposed to come within 3 days.

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Scott we just pop into the chemist to get the tests if we need them. :grinning:

Quick update on Dageus, he seemed a bit brighter when he finally woke up the back of nine. I gave him a tablespoon of Natural BioYoghurt and he kept that down. He wanted to go out but we just walked along the farm road and back, seemed to be enough for him. I gave him a scrambled egg mixed with white boiled rice, not a lot but enough, he’s kept that down for the past hour and he’s sleeping in front of the fire. So fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed here too, Rox.

The chemists round here are all sold out Rox.

Rox, glad to hear that Daegus is a bit better looks like he got it of his system. Scott, I thought the tests were free. Heavy rain here this evening and really cold with it, glad to get home.

Rain here too Jess. Better than snow though.
Scott, I heard on the News a few days ago that the tests you sent away for were the ones that were gone. They told you to go to the Chemist. :thinking: We have always gone to the Chemist for them, not that we need them much as we seldom meet up with others, just sometimes on a Saturday Evening. But that’s all off for now.
Dageus kept his egg and rice down :grin: so he’s just had a 2nd helping for his dinner. Tail had a bit of a wag in it too, I hate when the animals are not well.

The government send a free pack of 7 tests within 3 days. I hope to get mine on Friday.

I would think you would Scott, the Christmas rush must be near over for the posties.

Morning, Dageus is a bit brighter and not been sick again, but sleeping a lot. So I went off for my swim and hot soak in the jacuzzi. Got a bit of a Tail Wag from the sofa on my return.
It’s pouring with rain here so if Dageus doesn’t want his walk I don’t mind. I have to go to Tesco this morning, and I’m not looking forward to it at all, but once it’s done, it’s done.
Just in the house this afternoon, few things to do then it’s jigsaw and audio book.

Good morning everybody. Rox glad to hear that Dageus is a lot better. Raining here this morning, so its some housework then the shops for a few things. Then relax and see what is on television.

Morning Rox and Jess and all who follow. Rainy and miserable here too. A friend is coming for lunch today.
So glad Dageus is on the mend. Hopefully he will be back to normal by Christmas.
Need to flick the duster round and take the hoover for a walk before lunchtime.
Everyone enjoy your Christmas Eve Eve .

Same sort of weather here.
Covid test kits arrived today 2 days after I ordered them.

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Was sent this and had to share. Sooooo Funny.