Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

I know Jean,…those 10 years have just flown past…I wonder if I’ll still be around when He becomes an OAP! :scream:

Scottish word of the day…


Glesga phrase of the day…

“Dae Ye think Ma heid buttons up the back”?

How’s that then May :+1: OR :-1: ?
:thinking: :grinning:

Not bad Baz…

Rox hope your feeling better. Whenever we walk along to the one of the burns, and you have a plastic bag, the swans think you have food for them.

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Sorry Baz,…0/10
Croanie… Pal/Friend,

Do You think My head buttons up the back?
Meaning…Do You take Me for an idiot?

Found this on FB, had me howling with laughter.


Ha ha,good one

Only 0/10, I thought I had some correct even if not all of them.

Cronie is in one of my Scottish dictionaries (see below) as ‘potato’ (as it happens that’s almost the same in English anyway – ‘a close friend or companion’). The other links are to another Scottish dictionary I use plus an English dictionary, see below:

‘Glesga’ I got right – Glasgow

‘Dae Ye’ was also correct ‘Do you’

That’s a disappointment May, I thought I was doing so well previously. :astonished: :disappointed_relieved:

Glad you were not my teacher at school, but at least you don’t behave as they did – I was regularly caned and slippered. Never for English though as that was one of my good subjects.

Och I’ll let You off this time Laddie…and I would never dream of caning You. eek!..what does slippered mean?..Mind You I was a Prefect at My School ,so I’ll just wag My finger at You and tell You to do better in future
:nerd_face: :face_with_monocle:

Well, no caning so that’s a relief May, phew!

Slippered is using the sole of a plimsoll rather than the cane. It was usually administered to the buttocks with the recipient having to bend over a school desk. In the case of this particular teacher the whole row of desks was moved, leaving a clear ‘run-up’ for the ‘teacher’.

That teacher just couldn’t understand when one day every window in his car was, well, kind of smashed! Ignorant person that he was!

Nothing new having ‘Must do better’ on my school reports, it was on every academic subject. The only ones I excelled at were English, metalwork, woodwork and technical drawing. From those I had a 55-year working life with a good lifestyle as a result. Lack of those ‘so desirable pieces of paper’ did not hold me up in the least.

Oh My God,how the hell did He get away with that,…it’s GBH…He should have been jailed for abusing a Child…You poor wee Boy…My Dad (who was an amateur boxer) would have punched His lights out…here…have a wee hug :hugs:

He got away with that, as did others too, as that was how things were when I was at secondary school (1957-1961). Today that would have been GBH as you write. That particular teacher concentrated on teaching students who ‘learned very quickly’, the others like me couldn’t do their homework as he wasn’t teaching us at our learning speed so we were caned or slippered for not doing it. I couldn’t wait to leave school and get earning, the best thing that ever happened that was. I left school on the Friday and couldn’t wait to start work on the Monday and then 45 years later I semi-retired and 10 years after that I fully retired.

In those days too parents were ‘in favour’ as it was accepted that teachers were doing what they were supposed to do. Telling your parents in those days that you had been punished in that way would probably have resulted in punishment from them too, not punishment in that way as I was never brought up that way. It would have been some firm kind of punishment as ‘strict but fair’ was how I was brought up.

Thanks for the hug by the way, that was nice!

There was a primary 3 teacher at our school who got sacked. It was because of the strapping she always dished out. It was really laid on hard and one girl passed out, her hand and wrist was all swollen up and her parents went to the School Board and there was a hell of a ding doing about it.

Times have rather changed now, fortunately I guess. Discipline still has to be imposed though, it’s how youngsters learn what is right and what is not. I always reckoned that physical punishment did no harm, it was physical and that was it. Now though, having found out about the psychological harm it does, my opinion on that has changed completely, that doesn’t very often happen with me. What that shows though is that you cannot teach any child by using physical punishment, all that is happening is that an impressionable child, learning by example as we all do, is being shown that violence works, a person can use that to get their own way and I believe that’s what we so often see these days.

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I was smacked or I should say slippered by my mother for a variety of stuff. I can tell you now it was deserved, and todays lack of punishments would have been no good at all for me. It would have made me think I could do whatever I wanted and get away with it. I’m sure today’s kids are the same, they know what’s what, especially their rights. I feel it’s gone too far the other way and discipline or lack of it is not good at all.

I agree with you there. The secret I reckon is any discipline has to start from very young, then there is not the need for any physical punishment. The complete change of my opinion came after a close family member had training as an NNEB Nursery Nurse, development and psychology of the young child was all part of that. After listening to that and seeing the alternative actually working in her own children, that was proof enough for me. Now her children both show respect and are well-behaved and very well rounded adults. No physical punishment has ever been needed. She always reckoned that if physical punishment has to be used then it’s the adult who has failed, not the child.

I kind of agree but I feel it’s not the same for every child and parent. I didn’t need to smack mine for the simple reason they both knew that I would. I gave one warning only and if they did whatever again they got a smack round the back of the legs. They learned very quickly. When they got bigger I turned to grounding instead, it had a few hiccups but that’s another story, but ended up working well once we understood each other.
Rightie Ho, time to head off for my swim. Byeeeeeeee :blush:

Good Morning Each,a mild one here after yesterdays frost so it’s a walk to the Co-op for odds n ends,then clearing the fallen leaves from front garden…funny there are hardly any fallen leaves from the trees at the back,but they’re piled up against the front door,don’t recall that happening before,so better sweep them up from the path before it rains,don’t want to slip and break My neck on wet leaves,…have a good Friday all,xx

Good morning Rox and all in Scotland.

That is basically what it all comes down to, knowing what would happen if they don’t behave themselves. What I saw with the example I gave, it was always the look of disapproval and the tone of voice that worked. I always remember my mother, when I had misbehaved, saying “Just you wait until your father gets home …” that was enough as he was very strict but also fair without using physical punishment.

Enjoy your swim, hope it’s an indoor heated pool, it’s really cold this morning here ‘down south’ so even colder where you are I expect.