Not had a good time since Saturday. I’ve somehow got myself a throat infection. Practice nurse said yesterday my tonsils are swollen and red raw, also my glands are swollen too. Sooo sore to swallow and my throat is full of thick horrible mucus that I keep coughing up. I thought she might have given me a course of antibiotics but no, I got a spray for the back of the throat. Feeling sore and miserable, no pool, no seeing anyone, walking the dog away from public places likely to have folk there. Had to cancel my Chiropractor appointment for tomorrow. Not a happy bunny at all.
Hope you will feel better soon, Roxy……
Thanks Mags.
Oh Roxy, that’s rotten, are you able to eat, or is your throat too sore, hope you feel better soon
Sorry You’ve such a painful sore throat Rox,get some ice lollies & ice cream to sooth it…Hope You feel better soon xx
I didn’t eat from Friday till Monday evening, only water and that hurt like hell to swallow. The spray I was given numbs my throat for about an hour so I was able to eat not long after I used it. I only use it at meal times. If it’s no better by Thursday morning I’ll phone back and get the nurse to give me the antibiotics I think I should have had in the first place.
Aye Roxy, It might take that to clear it up…
Morning all. Another scorcher today.
Sounds like you definitely need antibiotics, Roxy. Hope you feel a bit better this morning.
Don’t know what I am up to today as this weather is so unexpected after the cold and rain we have had. So might just get my washing out nip down to the bakers and then sit out and enjoy the sunshine.
Have a good day all.
Good Morning Each,another scorcher later but I’m not complaining,
Gave up trying to install the printer to My laptop,so My Neighbours will just have to get a print out of the bin calendar from the library this Year,
A wee bit of weeding to be done in the garden after breakfast,then lounger & book,
Good morning May and all in Scotland.
Please Miss, can we have the sunshine back? Here it’s grey overhead and distinctly chilly this morning, supposed to brighten up later though.
No luck with the printer then May, often there’s problems trying to link an older device to a newer one, pain the ******** sometimes these computers!
Enjoy your weeding and the book while taking it easy on the lounger!
You can say that again Baz,Mine is a 15 yr old
Kodak esp I’ve had a good run with it…now I’ve given up My interest/involvement in Scottish Politics,I really don’t need it any more…sick to death with the lot o’ Them…I fink
Hope the sun returns to Your neck o’ the woods soon
You’ve definitely had your money’s worth out of that one then!
Basic printers are so inexpensive now, it’s just the ink that is not and there are ways round that to an extent. If you don’t do much that requires a printer and can buy a basic one it’s not that expensive.
Your comments regarding politics is probably similar to here ‘down south’ with many people.
I’ve just seen a previous post of your’s on coronavirus and hope that all stay well during this time when the figures are increasing.
It’s supposed to be brighter here later, fingers crossed . It’s nice though when temperatures are around 22ºC to 23ºC, higher than that and with the usual high humidity it becomes very uncomfortable, for me anyway.
Morning, I’m away back to bed now, I walked the dog round the field, threw the ball while I walked and it’s wiped me out. I’m all weak n wobbly. My swallowing is easier today so hopefully things are on the turn, but if I don’t go and lie down I’ll fall down. Have a nice day ladies n Baz.
It looks like face to face with the GPs is on the cards again…Thank Heavens.
Face-to-face GP appointments ‘key’ to NHS Recovery Plan - BBC News
Good afternoon everybody. May I had my niece take away my printer I never used it. Roxy sorry to hear your not feeling to good. Bonnie my winter coats are washed and put away. They say that if the rowan tree has a lot of berries the winter will be bad. Just back from my nieces so will get changed and do a bit in the front garden.
Good afteroon All,sheesh…it’s too darn hot…keeping the blinds shut on all the windows to keep the rooms cool,
My young Blueberry tree is laden with berries this year,picked a few bowlsfull to give to Neighbours for
Their porridge/cornflakes in the morning, but don’t know if that’s anything to do with a bad winter
Really hot here today as well. May I love blueberries with plain yogurt. Yummy.
Good Morning Each,a bit cooler here so I may cut the grass…then again I may not… …Housework first & window cleaning,then check on food cupboard/freezers to see what I need,
Have a good one Folks whatever You’re doing
Morning May and all who follow. Sun just started coming out here. Think it has to be about 20 here today which suits me fine.
Going up to get the grandchildren from school today. Thursday and Friday are my days for looking after them this term.keeps me on my toes!
Have a nice day everyone.
Morning All, nice and sunny here again but I’m still all weak and wobbly, I hate feeling like this. Waiting for another call back from the practice nurse to see if I can get a course of antibiotics to shift this infection, don’t understand why she didn’t give me them when I saw her on Monday. Just having a lazy day only doing what I have to to. Washing is on and will be getting himself’s lunch in an hour or so.
YES, I can get antibiotics. Hopefully they will be delivered this afternoon.