I was in the middle of typing when My laptop froze,now I can’t remember what I was yacking about …jeeze…had to do a hard shut-down to get it back…wish I knew what causes this as it’s happened a few times.:shock:
I’m bigtime bored stuck in the house waiting for the windscreen man .
So far have made carrot and coriander soup , apple crumble and done the ironing . Dogs are bored too as we can’t get out . And where is OH …
Golfing !!:twisted:
Oh poor You Abbey…I too hate hanging around waiting for Folks to turn up…Do Men golf even when it’s bucketin’ doon of rain? :-p…Soup and crumble sounds just the job on this bleak Autumn Day,
Lappie just froze again so signing off to see if I can get it sorted…if You never hear from Me again You’ll know why :twisted:
Not raining here May , just really dull and miserable .
LOL,…well I’m back…so na na na na na……Did all the checks I was advised to do,plus a virus scan,disc clean up/defrag…so if it happens again it’s either getting put away in its case…or flung oot the windae…depending on My mood.
Abby I hate being stuck in the house waiting for workmen or anything else to be delivered. The furthest I’ve used my bus pass was to Aberdeen a few years ago.
May im no expert on puters but do you have any anti virus software or file cleaning programs installed. ?
Good morning Scottish peeps.
Good morning all. Bright and breezy up here this morning. I’ve had problems lately with Google Chrome ‘not responding’ as well. Ever since a major Windows 10 upgrade.
Good Morning Each,another wet blustery one here but going out for My walk anyway and hope I don’t get blown over,
Aye I have anti-virus and windows cleans & defrags automatically once a week,all seems to be fine there Nom,also all drivers working as they should,I thought maybe there was a prob’ with the mouse,but it’s ok too…must be gremlins or a wee ghost letting Me know it’s time to unplug for a while and gerroff My bum and do other things,:-p
Good morning everybody. Scot my laptop upgraded to windows ten a few months ago and I was a bit nervous of using it. May enjoy your walk today. Going into town for a few things like hoover bags, how exciting is that.
Good morning from sunny Macclesfield
I’m off on a two night coach trip to the Yorkshire Dales tomorrow … and dancing tonight
Enjoy your day everyone
Morning All. Intermittent HEAVY showers here with strong wind pushing them along. Deep joy ! Packing stuff for another bothy trip (Peebles area - superb location) Fri/Sat/Sun. I hope the weather improves !!! Have a great weekend folks when it comes.
Morning folks . I envy you people going on weekend trips ! I will just be here as usual .
Having lunch out today and taking an 80 year old friend for her weekly shopping .
Abbey you’re on holiday all the time in lovely Portpatrick
Yes I am lucky but a wee break every now and then is good too
Yes I agree … a change of scenery and meeting different people … or just “people watching” is good … trouble with me is it leaves me wanting more !!!
I agree with you ladies. No matter how nice “home” is, it’s always good to escape to pastures new now and again and meet new folk etc.
Afternoon all You lovely People…It’s a wild wild day out there altogether,fair brought the roses to My cheeks…all 4 of them :-p
Aye it is nice to get away from Home now and then,but haven’t done so for quite a while Myself,becoming more of a Home Buddy these days…Have a smashing weekend Myrtle & Mike,and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…on 2nd thoughts…DO