This topic seems to be more about eating than slimming !
So mariana…How much weight have you managed to loose since you started this thread in April ?
Thats funny Linda–I know exactly what you mean—although my other dog Harry is a bit fussier—I was having ham and lettuce sandwich for lunch --quite a while back–got up to answer the phone–when I got back–all that was left was a plateful of lettuce—I must admit, I had to laugh !!!
it was suggested to me that it would be a good idea to maybe compare our meals and share what we are eating.
I have lost 1 and a half stone since starting this thread—maybe not a tremendous amount, but slow and steady—that is always the best way. And I have been battling with other issues along the way.
Thank you for your interest !!
One and a half stone is excellent…well done !
Thank you Malcolm.
Well… food usually is the main focus when you’re trying to eat healthier and lose weight (because, for most of us, food is what made us fat) and it’s not just about quantity, but quality as well.
Yeah, figures, they don’t want the low calorie stuff, just all the GOODIES!
You’ve done better than me, I’ve lost 1 stone, 1 pound. And my body seems to be settling there. A bit too comfortably, as far as I’m concerned, so I might need to change things up a bit. I think starting Monday I’m going to go carbless for lunchtime meals to try and kick things back into gear. It seems to have worked for me in the past. Sometimes you just have to do different things, instead of the same old thing day in and day out, to kind of ‘shock’ your system and wake up it. At least that’s been my experience, anyway.
I found exactly the same thing Linda-i would eat the same every day–and although it was good healthy food–we need a little variety in our diet.
Plus dont knock yourself–youve lost over a stone–thats great in anyones book.
Thank you, my dear, and congrats on your loss as well
And it just occurred to me that weight loss discussion is the only place one says “Congrats on your loss.”
Unless, of course, you’re congratulating a friend for finalizing her divorce from a complete and total jerk of a husband. Done that as well!
Thats very true–never thought of that myself either …
I had such a fun morning—got down all my suitcasaes of old clothes–from 30 years ago—not only do they fit me–some are too big—yeah !!! Never did i think i would see that day—Its like aquiring a brand new wardrobe overnight–true, that some of them I would not wear now–but equally true that there are many that I would— Plus I have another suitcase of stuff going back 40 years !!! Cant wait to get back into those too.
Well done Marian.
I am proud of you.
Losing weight is never easy, particularly when one has serious personal problems.
Sometimes it is easy to binge drink and comfort eat under those circumstances.
I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your endeavours.
Thanks Kenny—your words mean a lot to me–but dont forget–every pound lost is a pound less to cuddle lol lol xxx
BTW—i am half way through a seesion of counselling right now. All going well.
That’s fine by me!
Good to hear
Been out most of day-but took my own lunch-came home to my current favourite meal–Moroccan couscous–salmon–roasted peppers—plus as many chopped up veg as I could find.
I like couscous on occasion, but I could take it or leave it. I do, however, love salmon. Which reminds me, I need to put it on my next store list, we’re out of it and my son was asking me today if we had any because he wanted it for lunch. That’s one thing I don’t mind feeding him as often as he requests it.
I also had Moroccan couscous with tin Red Salmon and Salad.
Snap !!