Our Official Slimming Club Thread - open to everyone

Okay :slight_smile:

Today I’m going out to eat with my son and my cousins. Chinese! Lobster Almond Ding on the menu for me today. Been wanting to try that.

I forgot to share what I ate Today
just as well as I’ve been nibbling on lots of rubbish as I just couldn’t be bothered cooking
a slippery slope for Me
so back to the three healthy meals Tomorrow,

Lobster Almond Ding sounds quite exotic Linda :-D
I know what Lobster and almonds are
but what the hecks the Ding? :confused:

Yes. The point I was making to you is that Bran Flakes already contain the sugar and thus it’s no different to you sprinkling a teaspoon of sugar over your breakfast portion.

You’ve also said in earlier posts that you have Special K for breakfast which is equally sugary as per my own earlier posts on that particular product.

In Bran Flakes, sugar is the 3rd highest ingredient after Wholewheat and Bran and Glucose Syrup the 5th ingredient.

Each portion of Bran Flakes contains 1 full teaspoon of sugar.


Wholewheat (66%), Wheat Bran (21%), Sugar, Oat Flour (6%), Glucose Syrup, Barley Malt Flavouring, Salt, Natural Flavouring, Vitamins & Minerals: Niacin, Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Folic Acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12

Well? I don’t know :lol:

It was very good. A nice combination of lobster meat (including the claw meat, so it wasn’t that fake, imitation crap) and snow peas and celery and almonds in a really nice sauce. I barely got through a quarter of it, though, but luckily my uncle was also there to help me eat it.

Why are you guys arguing over sugar content in cereal? Just asking. I mean, if someone enjoys cereal, hot or dry, then why nitpick it? No offense, Realist, as in most subjects I completely enjoy your posts, as you make a good deal of sense. Sometimes you literally take the words right out of my mouth, although I don’t always say so. But here we simply report the things we’re eating, but don’t necessarily want what we’re eating taken apart and viewed in all its technical forms. Today I ate Chinese food. There’s more sodium in one Chinese dish then there probably is in the entire Atlantic ocean :lol:

I love both Special K and Bran Flakes and eat them whenever I’m in the mood for it. Some people need to watch sugar content, but we can’t eat like purists 24/7. Who would want to?

Ok Realist, I understand what you are saying and you are right about the sugar content in the cereals, but I didn’t realize that Bran Flakes had so much sugar, so I will stop eating that, as I am a bad Diabetic. As from today I will be having Porridge for breakfast. Today it’s going to be:

Breakfast: Porridge made with water, no sugar.
Dinner: Salmon Salad.
Supper: ? Any suggestions.

Mornin Lassies,I know You’re not overweight Susie it’s just Your waist size that bothers You,so I suggest You cut out bread and potatoes for a week or so and see if there’s any change?..Up Your protein & fibre,cut Your carb’ intake
But make sure that’s ok for Your diabetes.

boiled egg ryvita crackers,
ham salad,fruit & yogurt
 new pot’s,steak mince,cabbage.

Funny there’s an ad’ for the Atkins diet at the top of My page :lol:
He suggests NO carb’s at all,but I think that’s just too drastic.

Hi May, as for Potatoes, I don’t really eat them, if I do it would only be two small ones. I do limit myself to just 2 slices of bread a day or 1 roll, so I will try and cut out the bread if I can, but any suggestions on what I can eat for supper instead of carbs?

As for fruit I normally would eat one apple and one pear a day because a lot of the fruit puts my sugar levels up too high.

Not arguing as such but trying to help identify the products that advertise themselves as healthy or good to eat as part of a diet, but which actually are villains containing sugar.

Non taken. The thread itself came out of a separate discussion / thread that Mariana & I had. If you look at Page 1 of this thread you will see that Mariana intended to run it like a Slimming Club with each person weighing in each week. It was my suggestion that people should post up the food they had eaten each day so that we very much could examine it, discuss it and identify and bad things. The idea of that is to help people who seem to struggle to lose weight despite eating what they think is good healthy food.
Others with more nutritional experience might also comment on the mix of food types being consumed, e.g. proteins vs carbs vs starches etc etc.

I hear you and tend to agree, we don’t want to be analysing everything 24x7. However, you can analyse foods once, identify the villains, and then elect to stay away from them in future. i.e. Analyse once, then adjust mind-set.

When we are going to have a naughty treat, say a blueberry muffin or slice of cake at the coffee shop, then we know it’s happening and can manage that intake.

However, when we don’t know that a product contains sugar then it’s a problem because all those type of products add up. A spoonful of sugar here, another there and before you know it you have inadvertently taken in a number of spoonfuls and then wonder why you aren’t losing weight or why you get those hunger pangs.

Special K is an absolute classic for this. You would think from that heavy advertising with the beautiful girl in the red swimsuit with her lithe slim figure that Special K would be THE cereal to eat on a diet. Wrong !!!

It is a total marketing gimmick designed to con the unwary. Just yet one more way to palm sugar off on unsuspecting vulnerable people.

So that’s why this thread asks you to list what you eat so that collectively we can analyse it and identify and villains and problems. It’s nothing to take personal and I do hope SusanJaeger didn’t take my comments as criticism. I just identified that she was eating cereals that contained sugars as she herself said she struggles to lose weight.

It’s all good :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t cut out bread Susan as it should be one the more nutritious and sustained foods in your diet. However there is bread and there is bread ! If you are buying bread from a supermarket then yes, it would be a good thing to cut it out. Just look at the ingredients list which will likely contain 10-20 items. Many of those you don’t really want in your body.

If there is a proper Artisan Bakery anywhere near you then buy your bread from there as it will contain nothing but Flour, Water, Yeast and Salt.

Better still, make your own.

I have been considering creating a “Bread School” thread here to show people how to make good bread at home, easily and relatively mess and fuss free. I could teach people to make plain white or brown loaves, sourdoughs, baguettes, focaccias, ciabattas and so on.

It is unrealistic to think that bread can be totally removed from a diet if you love a slice of hot buttered toast with jam/marmalade or if you like to grab a sandwich for lunch.

When you are trying to lose weight, you should be doing so by eating the things you want to eat going forward, as a permanent eating regime. So cutting bread out is a bad idea because at some stage, you will start eating it again.
Bread is NOT a villain. But BAD bread IS a villain and should be kicked into touch. Again this is all just about knowledge and information. The more we have the more we understand what is going on and why our health and weight have suffered. ATB.

Hi Susie,there’s loads of good protein You can eat for supper,(We call it dinner here).:-D
steak/lamb chops/roast chicken/pork fillets/fish etc’ with loads of veg’ or salad,

I agree with realist about supermarket bread,apart from being tasteless,even good wholemeal bread has lots of sugar and crap added to make it last longer,

BUT I have to say I know nothing about diabetes,so best to make sure it’s ok to increase Your protein intake,x

Oh dear–=I have missed out on te last few posts , I have been really busy. Firstly I will answer Realists post–I think everyone knows by now that all sugars are bad for you–I have not had sgar in my drinks for many years–but it still was not enough–so I am cutting down even more-obvious targets–cakes, biscuits, most cereals. that is why I rarely eat cereal.
Again with the Slimming clubs–they provide food information and help–but most of all they provide support—if I have had a good week and lost a few pounds, it is comforting to be told how well i have done—as I have noone else to tell me. I do not care who you are, but most people need a support backup, especially if its a long journey.

If someone here writes that they have a chicken curry, I am sure that they would not have bought it from an india restuarant oir a ready meal–these things are simple enough to make from scratch–I cook everything from scratch-then I know whats in it—I am now on an eating plan that I know that I can stick with–partly because its simple–pluys its based on some of my favourite foods.

I know i have missed a few daysa–just been busy–this morning I had crispbreads, cottage cheese–and for a change sliced strawberries–from a local farm—really delicious !!

Yesterday I had crispbreads etc for breakfast–
lunch chicken and veg pasta.
evening—I was out at a friends house watching the football—so I took my own ryvita-hoummouss , celery sticks–and a muller light yoghurt–really enjoyed it. my friend had chicken vol au vents–yuk–all that pastry—

I’ve been eagerly awaiting proper strawberry season. All the shops have had these past few months are fairly unappetising strawbs shipped half way around the world.

It’s just getting to that great time of year. Good local strawberries, Jersey Royal Potatoes and pretty soon those fresh peas in their pods just waiting to be munched by the bag ! yum!

I have to say Mariana, looking at the food itineraries you post up that you can only succeed in your goals. You are well focussed and disciplined. Of course it all takes time but you will get there I have no doubt.

Hi, yes I agree supermarket bread has got a lot of rubbish stuff in it, but no Realist we don’t have any Bakery shops near me. The reason for cutting out the carbs is really for my Diabetes not the weight loss, as I find that if I have just one roll or 2 slices of toast my sugar levels will go up a lot.

May, we have our dinner at lunch time, so our supper is a snack for Tea-Time.

My sugar levels has been great today, so I did have a fresh Chicken breast and English Mustard sandwich for supper, as I have not had any bread or potatoes at all today, and my sugar levels are still very good.

Ok understood.

However . . .

The answer here is to go for Sourdough breads. I’ve just made 2 such loaves today and they are tasty, nutritious and healthy. Sourdoughs are “long fermented” meaning they are left to prove for many hours, anywhere from 5-6hrs to 1-2 days ! That means the end product is VASTLY different to your average crappy loaf of fast proofed supermarket bread.

When you eat sourdough bread you will NOT get blood sugar spikes as it’s qualities mean the starch is converted to sugars slowly. It is the healthiest bread you can eat imo and TBH it isn’t at all difficult to make yourself.

I am making it regularly at the moment because the warmer weather is perfect for maintaining the wild yeast “starter” that is used.

That sounds good to me, where can I buy it?

Any “proper” bakery will sell sourdough. Start here:

Stick your postcode in and see where they are. There are plenty in the Essex area.

Better still book yourself on a day course at a local bread school such as these:



These are great fun days out which will really empower you and leave you hungry for more.

I have to say Mariana, looking at the food itineraries you post up that you can only succeed in your goals. You are well focussed and disciplined. Of course it all takes time but you will get there I have no doubt.

thank you Realist–I am really trying very hard. I got the strawberries locally–i live in a village and plenty of local growers–when my husband was alive we would go strawberry and raspberry picking ever year–heavenly!! Nothing like English strawberries.

No proper bakers in my village–the nearest one is in the next village—too far to walk. !! But i will see if i can find a recipe—although salimming world does not mention it—just 2 slices of bread a day, but it has to be wholmeal–i had mine for this week wth poached eggs–i still try not to eat it too much, just once a week.