Sorry none where I live either, I will just to stick to what i’m doing. Yesturday was a very good day for me, my sugar levels were lovely and low and also low this morning, but thank you any way Realist for helping out.
Breakfast: Porridge with water.
Dinner: Chicken breasts, 2 small baked potatoes, fine beans & carrots.
Supper: ?
morning Lassies…ooo,if I started baking My Own bread I’d be gorging My self on it.can’t resist warm bread straight from the oven smothered in butter,yummmy,
Yes exactly May, I would be the same. I can’t remember the last time I had a banana, but I can’t eat them as my sugar levels would be sky high, I can only eat just one small apple and a pear a day.
i love bananas–i buy the smallest bananas in sainsburys, and usually have one a day–sometime during the day…I think you could be right about the bread—I buy a wholemeal loaf is sainsburys-slice it–then put it in the freezer, and just get a couple of slices out,about once a week.
Just caught an article on brekfast tv—someone was saying its not fats that are bad for you, but sugars—well, I think we all know that—but I am sure that too much fat is not good for you either–I have very litle fat in my diet these days.
In all honesty I doubt that your average Slimming World hostess would know the first thing about good bread nor anything about the rheology of flour and yeast in long fermentation. It’s a money spinning organisation preying on the vulnerable. They sell books and they take subscriptions. Weight Watchers no different and when you have the likes of Oprah Winfrey advertising it that should ring bells all day long.
I suspect that topic of fats will return to the media soon enough and I bet that we will find that natural animal fats are actually beneficial to us and indeed a bodily requirement.
Butters and spreads will be where the danger lies and like everything else, we’ll have to go sifting through ingredient lists and understand the manufacturing process to understand which are acceptable and which need to be avoided.
Yeah, those marketing gimmicks are everywhere, I agree. I heard over the weekend that Kellogg’s is being sued by somebody because they claim Cheez-Its to be whole grain
Well, the important thing is we are all trying, and i can bet that we all feel much better than we did 6 weeks or so ago-I know I do–all my clothes are too loose for me—but no point in buying anything new as yet. Just manage as best i can–maybe thats why noone appears to have noticed–because i am wearing the same clothes–but thats ok, its how i feel that is important !!
They don’t have to advertise Fats & Sugar, everyone should know this already, fats are in butter, spreads, cakes, pastry etc. and also sugar turns into fat. Low calorie dinners, they take the fat out but add loads of sugar to make it tastier. The best thing is just to cook everything yourself from scratch, then at least you know what you are putting in it.
Yes, but even the items that have fats and sugars, many people (such as myself) want to know how MUCH fat is in a product and also the different types of fats.
Unfortunately, since corrupt big businesses effectively run the show, we are never going to get the open honest and unambiguous truth about products. They will always create and exploit loopholes in the labelling laws and dupe us until some scientific research lab discovers what is in a product. Then when there is enough negative impact about a given ingredient (and that takes years) they remove that ingredient and replace it with some new fangled terminology that people don’t understand.
Take for example the “Pink Slime” saga that played out a few years back. A filler that was added to ground beef by spinning meat off cuts in a centrifuge and spraying with Ammonia Hydroxide.
This Youtube clip highlighted MacDonalds use of the filler but after a huge campaign against Pink Slime inc input from Jamie Oliver MacDonalds and other large corporations stopped using it.
But it has been making a comeback.
The thing is, this crap is listed on labels as “Finely Textured Beef” which to the average public punter means little.
The bottom line is clearly to buy fresh core ingredients and make everything yourself. I mostly do that but thus far I haven’t made my own mince but I think it is probably time I did. A meat mincer isn’t that expensive.
I completely agree that making your own food at home is not only healthier, but safer. Well, sometimes. We’ve been having recalls on vegetables, both fresh and frozen (including ORGANIC) for listeria concerns.
So really, the only way to know exactly what you’re eating 100% of the time is to farm your own animals and grow your own fruits and vegetables. However, not everyone has the means to do something like that. So we’re left to rely on others to provide our food for us.
I have just had a small piece of chicken mixed with rice and chopped peppers—and for some reason, i feel really sick. It was just a very small meal, so do not know whats going on–althouigh I had an upset stomach this morning. !
I actually had a really bad night–felt quite alarmed at how sick I felt and the pains–did not need the toilet or to be sick, but by 1.00 i started to feel better and got to sleep about 1.00–only to wake at 6.00.
I really hate going to the doctor–have not been for well over a year–sometimes stress and tension cause me problems. but keeping to a very light diet today–
crisbreads, cottage cheese, plus strawberries
not sure about lunch
tonight salmon, spirallised carrot and apple—one of my favourites.
Well–that is strange I agree–and ive never had problems with IBS, but when I told a friend about it, she said her grandson had been exactly the same a few days ago–really cramping pains in stomach and really feeling sick–but afain nothing happened–he just felt ok a few days later—Ive been Ok all day–apart from tired !!!