Off to hospital for a few procedures

Sorry to hear that Mart, can you still go out walking?


I can walk without there being anything outwardly noticeable but it isn’t very comfortable, This is initially only for the week though. If it improves the eGFR figure then this, or something like it, could become a permanent thing.

Got to have two CT scans at the hospital this evening (starting at 6,30 p,m.). One after the other. I suppose it will be like one scan really, just laying on the scanner bed for a bit longer. Each scan has a different purpose.


Got sent home without the scans being done. I don’t know if the eGFR figure has gone up with using a bladder drain bag. Neither does the radiologist. They can only go by the last blood test figure, which was 15. Too low to use a contrast dye safely.

I’ll be going to the hospital on Monday to see if there is any improvement. Then I will likely be booked in for a day while they hydrate me and hopefully make it safe for me to have a scan.


The eGFR has gone up from 15 to 17 since a catheter bag was fitted. Not good but at least moving the right direction. They were debating fitting the Nephrostomy again but decided on another option, which is just having a tap that I can turn on and off. A drain bag will be fitted for night times.

That was my preference because it meant I could go home …and without having a bag strapped to me. Also, I’m pretty sure that any backing-up of water into the ailing kidney will have been happening during the night. No chance of that happening with a drain bag attached.

The blood test was done shortly after I got to the hospital but it was nearly 4 hours until I saw a doctor. Just works out that way sometimes. Another 45 minutes to have done what was needed. A fellow patient told me to look on it as a day out. :slight_smile:

Don’t know what will happen about the scans that couldn’t be done. Maybe they will wait to see if the eGFR improves.


Can only hope things improve for you Mart. I know is it is hard husband’s younger brother is in Poiters University Hosptial very seriously ill now and we can only pray now.
Sometimes things turn around and get better…they do and I hope they do for you.


Thanks Dianne - At my age, things are only ever going to go one way …but slowing it down to the tune of a few more years would be nice. :slight_smile:


Yes, Mart - I know the score.


Good luck Mart at the Hospital, hope everything goes well.


I welcome your updates Mart, and keep hoping you are the bearer of good news. I consider you a good friend and wish you all the best with the treatments, keep up with the good work, and your humorous fighting spirit… :+1:


Yes Mart and really sorry if any on my posts come over in the wrong way. Treatments are nearly always available in this High Tech World of ours and can make a lot of difference of course to everyday life.
My road is difficult to talk about as I hope to be taking a top specialist through the courts one day for 100% Neglect.
It is my wish for not just the earlier treatment of myself as I now know of others that have been at the hands of this person in a very detromental way. I can’t honeasty answer why he is still in the same Position 'workwise…But he is.
This I know is a rare incident and putting that aside for the time being as all of my other treatments over these 3 years have been of a very high standard and kindness went hand in hand.
I hope you get some good results soon Mart as it is a lot to deal with
I find strength from out of the blue at times and hope you do also.
I keep busy with many Hobbies as distraction is good for us Mentally. Also Seems to have a knock on effect to our Physical Self.


It does help to offload by writing about it here, where people can either read or ignore the thread. I never corner people at bus stops or my neighbours and talk about it. Some of the neighbours have an idea but to outward appearances, I’m still as I was. If they ask, I tell them I’m OK like many of us do …regardless of how things are.

Some people feel so ill that they’d have no inclination or strength to write about procedures. I think it strange that, even with what’s happening, I can still feel OK enough to do it. I can see it could be seen as attention or sympathy seeking but it really isn’t.

Anyway, I’m bagless this morning, just the tube to consider. :slight_smile: This will make faster walking a lot easier. It looks like rain today, otherwise I might have considered trying a bike ride.

If anyone ever needs to know about the best way to carry around Nephrostomy or bladder catheter bags, I’m your man :grinning: That is unless there are members who are doing that already but don’t feel the need to write about it. :slightly_smiling_face: