Off to hospital for a few procedures

Mart, gentle hugs are coming your way xx


Moan away Mart - that’s why we’re here. I hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

Not sure if you’ve looked into it, but you might find low carb/ketogenic diets interesting:

Low-Carbohydrate Diets and Prostate Cancer: How Low Is “Low Enough”? - PMC.

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For a few minutes??? I feel sorry for myself for most of the day.


Care to explain?

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I haven’t got much to complain about unlike some.It was just a joke. :grinning:


Ah, OK. Like Mart, I have a number of problems - you just get on with it.


Prostate cancer is a bastard but It is just something you live with and monitor until something has to be done.

One of the trials of us old men, on the bright side something else is likely to kill you.


It’s probably not as bad as I think. I suppose people like Phyllis Tuckwell and other medical services need to know about a person’s end of life wishes before the cancer truly makes its presence known. It was discussing the wishes and arrangements for an hour or so with medical people that got really depressing and lead to the deleted doom and gloom post.

I know the Nephrostomy tube and bag had to be fitted because the tumour is compressing the tube that runs between my solitary kidney and the bladder but I’m in no pain with it. With ‘slowing down’ medication, it might be a good while before anything else happens.

The present trouble is that the Nephrostomy incision has become infected (quite sore and not nice to look at). The District Nurse came and changed the dressing but got in touch with the doctor anyway. Antibiotics and a steroid cream have been prescribed but they won’t be ready until tomorrow. The nurse is coming back tomorrow afternoon …to take the dressing off again to apply the cream I expect. It’s painful when touched, so I’m not looking forward to it.


Sorry to hear that you are at a low Mart, best wishes and an ear for you to have a good moan.
From a bloke who after three heart attacks is never sure that he will wake up the next morning but with no pain, I can only guess what tricks your mind must be playing, but I admire you for your sense of humour and fighting spirit… :+1:
Moaning is good…