Off to hospital for a few procedures

Hospital Tomorrow. Got to have a…

Rigid cystoscopy.
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour.
Left ureteric stenting (stent from kidney to bladder).

To be done under a general anaesthetic.

Booking in at 12.00 and it’s reckoned I’ll be home in the evening.


Hope it all goes well mart.
Do as you are told and all will be fine,but don`t be in a rush to get back home.


Oh OUCH! Good fortune with both procedures and a swift recovery time👍


The very best of luck Mart and hope it all goes well… :+1:
Take notice of what the consultants tell you, but don’t take any notice of your GP they are rubbish, and don’t know nothing these days unless it comes off the internet… :009:
All the best mate…


Thanks :slight_smile: Being out the same day sounds optimistic but that’s what they reckon. Depends on how it goes maybe. I’ve had all sorts of scans, so they should know what needs to be done and how I’ll be afterwards.

I had a Nephrostomy pipe and bag fitted on the 26th of April because the bladder has problems. The condition was putting pressure on my kidney and making it enlarge. Nephrostomy is a tube that goes through the back and into the kidney cavity. Pee not being drained via the bladder is piped into the bag. This relieves pressure on the kidney. I’ve been living life with a reserve tank for a month or so. :slight_smile: This is my only kidney.


Wishing you well, Mart. Hope it’s not too nasty,


Wishing you all the best Mart, I hope it all goes smoothly for you. :+1:


Hope all goes well tomorrow Mart - wishing you a speedy recovery after the procedure.


Wish you all the best Mart, for a speedy recovery.


Thank you all for the good wishes. It means a lot. :slight_smile: Funny part is that I feel OK. I only have to be careful not to put a strain on the Nephtostomy tube. I couldn’t think of anything worse than pulling that out of my back! …although some stitching was done to keep it in place. I can behave fairly normally within the limits of a leg bag (except I can’t ride my bike).

The Nephrostomy has a specially shaped dressing to hold it in place on my back. This is supposed to be changed every week by the practice nurses but some haven’t had experience of changing it, so not that regular. I expect the hospital nurses will do it if the bag has to stay.

I rather think it will be removed if I’m having a stent from kidney to bladder but the state of the bladder could have a bearing on that. If kept, the tube into the kidney gets changed at the hospital every 6-8 weeks. That would be on the 3rd of July.

The efficiency of the kidney was low and near to me needing dialysis. It’s hoped the Nephrostomy will improve matters and avoid that. In fact, it had by a small degree during the 5 days I spent in hospital (April 26th - May 1st). It could be even better now.

I was all gowned up and ready for the operation a couple of weeks ago but they found I had a urine infection and the procedure had to be called off. I hope the same doesn’t happen this time. I’ve completed a course of antibiotics since then but I’m always going to be prone to waterworks infections. I have to catheterise every time I need to pee because the bladder can’t expel urine as it should (atonic). This has been the case for many years and is always a source of infection, no matter how hygienic I am.

Never thought I’d write about it much but seem to have done so.


We are all pulling for you to have as easy a time with these procedures as you can, and home quickly to start your full recovery.


Alrighty, Mart, here’s to hoping the procedure is smooth sailing and that you can get the stent you want - or that you will have another shot at it if it has to be postponed. Looking at your To Do list for the day, the advances in diagnostics, treatment, and skills are remarkable. I am sure you will do well. Take care and let us know how you fare.


Thank Surfermom - I had the first bout of trouble when I was 40. A kidney was removed (tumour). There were also small recurring cancerous growths in the bladder. They were lasered away. This went on for about 2 years and then slowly subsided. Any surgery to the bladder back then caused it to bleed like hell for a week or two. I hope things have changed now.


I’m sorry to hear this Mart. Sending you lots of luck and best wishes for a full and fast recovery. Don’t go overdoing things when you get home. Take things slow and EZ.


Thanks EZ :slight_smile:

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Gosh Mart, wishing you all the best and hoping you will be resting at home tomorrow evening! :hugs:


Good luck Mart.


Wishing you all the best.


Thanks - There will be a tentative moment tomorrow when waking up. Slowly lifting the sheet to see what pipes (if any) are hanging off me. :astonished: :slight_smile: …providing it all goes ahead.


Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.