Off to hospital for a few procedures

Hi mart. I have to keep the drip straight so you have to keep it level.There is a television for regular footage but that gets boring too.


A cross for you to bear but well done for bearing it with fortitude.

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Everything appeared to go well for you going to the hospital Mart, I’m sure your bone scan results will be good too. :crossed_fingers:


One bit of good news is that since the kidney/bladder stent was fitted the all-important eGFR figure in the blood has gone up from 10 to 29. Still not normal but an improvement.


The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in my lower back. Another scan has been booked to examine that more closely. Got to increase the hormone therapy, which will make me feel tired. It could affect my way of life. An appointment with the Oncologist will be booked for two months time to see how I’m doing. Radio therapy on my lower half is a possibility.

Edit: I’ll settle for Radio2. LBC is always a bit depressing. :slight_smile:

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Sorry to hear that Mart, I’m sure I speak for the rest of the members on the forum when I say, we’re all here to support you :+1:


Thanks :slight_smile: - Still feeling OK, which is strange in view of the state of things. The doctor can’t provide the new drug. It has to come from some central place. Got to pick it up from the hospital on Friday and start it then.


Now taking Enzalutamide. I wonder how drug names come about? Maybe made up from the ingredients. Had a strange effect on the first day (came out in a sweat). This is the second and OK so far.

Enzalutamide | Prostate Cancer UK


I have something similar I think.

I like the fact that the full cost is put on the label, have to go to my GP to get it injected or a nurse will come to my house, my choice apparently

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That does look similar. A slow release capsule is injected into the belly. The first one was for a month. The last one (injected a few weeks ago) is for 3 months.

The new treatment is in addition to that. Four tablets a day, all to be taken at once.

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Just had a call from the Urology doctor at the hospital. The Oncology doctor who is looking after the Prostate cancer has got in touch with him about last week’s blood tests. They show that the kidney’s eGFR (blood purifying) figure has sunk down again …from 29 to 16. I have to be at the hospital at 9.30 a.m. and be slotted in for a scan at sometime. :frowning:


Sorry to hear that Mart, good luck with the scan and I hope something can be done to improve the readings. :crossed_fingers:


I hope all goes well for you tomorrow Mart, will be thinking of you…. :crossed_fingers:


Good luck from me too Mart, hope all goes well - you (and others like you who have been going through similar) are an inspiration! :blush:


All good thoughts coming your way tomorrow, and after the appointment. Hoping for some good news in your treatment soon, Mart.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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I hope there will be some good news after all this turmoil is dealt with, mart.
Then life can resume with a semblance of normality.
Good vibes being sent your way from Aussie Land.


In hospital for the day and overnight for blood tests, scans (3 types) and flow tests. The kidney isn’t filtering very well (not as well as when I had the nephrostomy bag) but we’ve had to settle on that level for now. Released from the ward but have to go back on various dates for checks in the coming days/weeks to see if the new level is at least stable.


Spent a couple of hours at the hospital this morning. Hardly had time to find a word in a Wordsearch book before my name was called. Another fingerful or two of blood was taken. I had to hang around for it to be analysed and the results given to the doctor. The eGFR figure was still hovering around the 16 mark.

The doctor decided to see if the reason for the kidney inefficiency and enlargement is because pee is backing up into the kidney from the bladder. A catheter bag has been fitted so that the bladder can’t fill up and this will remain in place for a week. Back in for another blood test next Monday to see the result. If it hasn’t made a difference, something else will be tried. That’s the kidney side of things.

I will be having a CT scan of my pelvic area on Friday to see if the spread of cancer from prostate to the lymph nodes warrants some radio therapy. Can’t say they aren’t trying. Good that I didn’t need to stay today.


I think I have found the most comfortable way of dealing with the tube hanging out of a place that was never designed to have a tube hanging out of it. No more bike riding for me for a while. Ooerr! :slight_smile: