"New Kip" will you vote for them?

It’s because some of them aren’t sure they were right! :wink:

So for a few, it’s not enough just to give us a good kicking. They want us to give in, cry “Uncle” and say they were right too

And us obstinately persisting in refusing to do that makes them ratty and insecure, hence the name calling :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Never mind, we’ll correct their mistake soon enough :slightly_smiling_face::eu:

You’re as bad as each other … it was yonks ago. Bad losers are not very appealing either.

@Harbal @Maree , Lt doesn’t matter if was the right or wrong decision !
As long as it’s a democratic decision !!
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:


I think there might also be an element of setting them up to somehow give them the blame if it does all go pear shaped. No, them there Brexiteers certainly haven’t been gracious in victory.

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Right everyone …hands up … it was me first mentioned Brexit but I didn’t think any animosity would rear it’s head.
How wrong can you be.

Let’s get back to discussing Farage.

This was moi, Morty, practising to be a TL3.
Thank you for your time reading this.

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Of course it would matter if it went horribly wrong. It wouldn’t be a reason to abandon democracy, but it would certainly highlight one of its flaws.

Of course it matters if it was a right or wrong decision!

If you lot all want to democratically decide to jump off a cliff it’s a bit tough on me to get dragged over too :rage::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I did agree that once the vote had gone that way it had to be done, however stupid.

And however dishonest the Brexit campaign was.

That’s the democracy part

But every democratic decision can be reversed democratically, and that’s what I want to see happen :eu:

And I think it will, I just hope before too much harm is done


Oh yeah, it will be the Remainer’s fault, Johnson’s fault, Uncle Tom Cobley’s fault when it goes wrong.

Anyone’s fault but there’s for voting for something stupid to begin with :rofl::wink::wink:

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I think you’re making a few aspersions there that are unfounded. The Remainers lost but never ever seem to have moved on, grown up … and got on with Life.
It could be argued that that attitude will hold this country back and is not very patriotic.

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Anyway, I suggest we try to lower the temperature a bit, before Mister one-post-per-hour pops round for his Horlicks.


That’s what I was thinking … waiting

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@Maree , l thought we’d allready gone over the dreaded Brexit cliff edge !!
You mean there’s going to be another ??
Jesus you people must be really suffering from anxiety !!
BTW, Do you really think the EU will let you back in ??!!
Donkeyman! :rofl::rofl:

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Well, I hope they will but I have to admit it would be very generous of them if they did after we treated them so badly :cry:

We’ll never get as good terms as we had before of course. But I think even going back in on worse terms would leave us a lot better off than staying out so we’d just have to grin and bear it

Yes, you Brexiters threw us off the cliff edge but it’s a long way down and we haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Just some nasty injuries from jagged rocks on the way down.

But when we do hit the bottom it’s going to really hurt, possibly life threatening :scream:

That’s enough to make anyone anxious, I think

I respond to discussion. Please read back.

It’s probably because he is just another one of the conga line of entitled public school twats that pass for politicians in the UK, don’t you reckon Assman?

Or more precisely, Boris, who is a closet remainer in my opinion.
And yes, we did do the right thing. There is no doubt in my mind. All the evidence of the subsequent behaviour of the EU is testimony to it.

That’s assuming there will be a Europe left if Putin decides to go on the rampage…
:boom: :boom: :boom:

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Don’t be nasty, Mary.
All I hope for is an end to this constant harping on about “when we come to our senses and rejoin the EU”. Not you, necessarily, but many Remoaners say it all the time in the hope that repeating it like a magic spell will make it come true!

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:Do you think it will help if I say abracadabra too? :woman_mage:

I really do believe Brexit was a huge mistake that needs putting right so I’m never going to change my mind on that and will always keep on saying so, even if you don’t want to hear it

I guess I’m just a “harpie” :rofl:

Abracadabra won’t help!

Can you elaborate? Can you give me some good reasons why we should rejoin the EU?

And you’re not a Harpie!

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