What a lovely kookaburra story Muddy! Thank heavens you happened upon him when you did, because he wouldn’t have survived those trucks. He’d obviously been hit and was stunned but not injured. It could have ended so badly but for you and Mr M, so well done both of you
I can’t believe your holiday is nearly over, that time has really flown by.
Thank you Jazzi
At last I have got a more recent photo when he has shaved !
His hair looks darker as it’s wet, I wish I had taken this photo before I started to paint I had a bad reference photo for the other . .
Very good likeness Muddy, I would have easily recognised your son from your painting.
You might be leaving soon Muddy, but you take with you some beautiful memories…
Safe journey home…
I can see why you’ll be sad to leave your boy and all that glorious flora and fauna behind.
We’ve enjoyed your trip alongside you, with all your interesting posts and fabulous photos. xx
Our last full day in Australia tomorrow I panic !
We went to the beach on the Gold Coast the aptly named Sunshine Coast
It was beautiful.
The bird is a white Ibis there were lots of them walking around .
I don’t mind birds at all but Ibis have become a bit of a nuisance in places especially around Sydney, in Wollongong they are no problem they are not in plague proportions.
They are like seagulls in England in that they find human food very handy and they rummage in bins. Lots of birds do the same thing eg crows but Ibis are so big and their beaks can reach so far.
When I first came to Sydney in the 60s they didn’t didn’t exist in the metropolitan area and I couldn’t understand how they had grown to be such a nuisance then I discovered it was all the fault of Taronga Zoo. It is quite an educational film but I don’t think they anticipated the “problem” they would become.