Muddys Trip to Australia

It’s good to see your drawings again, Muddy. :+1:


Thank you OGF you old flatterer you :slight_smile:

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Thank you Mags I haven’t done any at all for some months .

Not a pretty sight maybe but what do they taste like?

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I have emailed him a couple of times since Christmas but no reply - so far.
Would love to be back in contact with him and with Keezoy.

Credit where credit is due Muddy…

It’s a an excellent talent you have!


Like all native species they are protected by law.

I echo what Bes said


I find the factors influencing the Australian climate fascinating (not to mention the fact that it has a climate rather than just weather).

Australia has four climate drivers, South Oscillation Index (ENSO) as mentioned, Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) which affects northern Australia mainly, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). There are information and videos about all of them on the BOM site and YouTube,

Currently SAM and IOD are neutral.

Anyway that’ll keep you occupied until next week when the rain moves offshore :wink:

Then back to your trip…

Yikes . I will just have to do more paintings and east more buns ! They do mean hot cross buns down around here .
I have decided to start another portrait of my son ( he didn’t like the last one ) I have no oils with me so am doing it in acrylics kids quality which I bought from Office works . I love office works and am tempted to spend money on all sorts of crap I don’t really need .
So here is the start


I am a big fan of Officeworks but a trip to Bunnings is good too. BTW the $2 shops usually sell art supplies including acrylic paint if there is one near you.

I hope you have a ladder to get onto the roof - seven more days of rain perhaps.

My sons house is on a mountain and I raised up so I won’t be sitting on the roof .
i went to Bunnings the other day great place

I thought that would be the case.

The rain keeps a coming so I am plodding on painting
For those who don’t know my stuff I find painting people very difficult animals are much easier


Handsome isnt he . I can even feel his nice personality. I’ll keep popping in .


Difficult or not Muddy, that’s coming on great…Well done.

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So true to life Muddy, full marks again!

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He is a lovely man my portrait does not do him justice .


Just thought I would let you know it’s still raining !

And to add to the fun there has been a landslide on the road to the mountain so it’s impassable at the moment .
So I have turned my hand to bread making ( who knows how long we will be marooned up here !)