Is he not back yet?
I’d like to think it’s because he’s got his priorities right and is resting. sleeping, taking care of himself and Mrs Foxy.
Sending healing vibes to them both by express etheric carrier.
Is he not back yet?
I’d like to think it’s because he’s got his priorities right and is resting. sleeping, taking care of himself and Mrs Foxy.
Sending healing vibes to them both by express etheric carrier.
Foxy posted on 27th August when they had a couple of bad days, so lets hope he is resting & trying to improve. If he got worse they may have taken him into hospital, owing to his recent heart problems, so lets just keep our fingers crossed & hope to hear from him in the next week.
Checking in, I hope Mr & Mrs are doing well
Hope you’re improving every day mr &mrs Foxy, we’re thinking of you both
Its quite worrying, I think we will all be so relieved when our Foxy Legs posts again.
Just dropped in to see if there is any news of the Foxies.
Haven’t heard from OGF in days. Hope he’s OK.
Me too .
Sending love
and the very best wishes for a full recovery to you both Foxy xx
Another one checking in to see how things are. Hopefully the silence means Foxy and his good lady Foxy are sleeping and/or resting.
I must admit, if I was poorly I wouldn’t want to be bothered going online.
I can hear a faint noise, wonder if it’s snoring…
Hugs to you both. We’re all still thinking about you both and sending healing vibes xxx
Hurry up and get well Foxy Family, I missing seeing you in my garden in the early morning.
Where are you Foxy? Hope you and Mrs Fox are coping, there is no room for Skulking, especially for this Fox.
Foxy, please let us know how you both are. We’re all getting a little bit worried about you now. I really hope you’re getting through this safely. Sending hugs
Every time I see this thread flag a new reply I’m hoping it’s OGF saying he is ok.
Ditto all the above.
Thinking of you both, Bob …… getting really concerned about you now.
Could be simply an issue with the computer or being online.
Fingers crossed you are right, Kazz
Yup, same here too.
Like I said before, I know that if you’re not feeling great you probably don’t want to do very much at all and I hope that’s the only reason you’ve not been on here.
Sending you both my best wishes Bob.
I have to admit having been through a traumatic time with my daughter and Covid I am worried for Bob and his missus… really hope you are both ok xxx