Mrs Fox and me have tested positive for covid


When you have Covid things can change very quickly, it is not always possible to respond quickly.

Give him time and hope they are both well.


Thanks everyone, we’re still hanging in there, but just had a very bad couple of days. Just when you think the worst is behind you, it pulls out some unwelcome surprises…


Foxy viral infections often make you think you are getting better but let you know you are not the winner by attacking in different ways.
Many medical experts say that if takes at least a month to recover from flu, so keep resting & eating healthy foods…like spinach, kale and other leafy greens, because they have vit C & E which help your immune system to work better.
I know it isn’t typical Yorkshire foods but I have discovered that getting the right level of vitamins & minerals really do help when you have infections… so it is worth a try! Raw baby spinach on a ham sandwich tastes ok! :smiley:


Hi Bob :slightly_smiling_face: don’t take any liberties with this awful virus,
keep resting …xx

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Bob, please do not any chances with this, it can turn very nasty in minutes.

Been there, luckily in hospital at the time, but still a battle to recover.

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Meg’s right, Foxy.
Take extra care of yourselves and rest plenty. x

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Hang in there sly old grey :fox_face:!
You both will pull through!

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Thinking of you Bob, we’re all rooting for you both.

Take great care. x


As you can see, we’re all worried for you both Foxy. Take it slow petal.
Two loves and two hugs for you both xxx

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Foxy I’m glad to see you and Mrs F are still hanging in there, but please do take it slowly, one step at a time. As you found, viruses can come back and kick you up the bum just when you’re least expecting it.

Keeping everything crossed for you both that you’ll be on the mend and feeling better every day, even if ever so slowly. Take care x

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Glad to hear things are improving, OGF.

I’m a great believer in the value and health benefits of sleep. In fact, since I retired I try to have a lie in until 10am on most mornings.

Yes, keep resting and taking it easy and hopefully you’ll be back to normal soon.

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IMO you are not resting enough - relapse is a word I don’t wish to see repeated here OK?

Glad you feel on the mend …but don’t overdo it for a while I know from my daughters experience things can change quickly.

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Hope you both recover quickly, am down but not out myself, got throat infection but it’s more or less floored me.

Sending you my best wishes in the hope that you’re okay, especially because it’s been a while since you’ve posted.
I know that if I’m feeling unwell that I don’t much feel like doing anything, but I hope you’re both doing okay.


What Zaph said. Xxxxxx

Hey Rab…can You hear Me?..I’m shouting at You from 200+ miles away…Let Us know how You are Both doing Dear Boy…We’re all concerned


Hope you have continued to improve but have to say slowly slowly seems to be the way. Its is a virus that can totally take you off your feet and more. Take care

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I wish our Foxy could let us know how they are, it’s a bit worrying not hearing anything.



If they have got it even mildly they will be concentrating on looking after them selves.

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