Trading under WTO Rules only would have been more advantageous to the EU than it was for the UK.
It is no secret that I have no time for Boris, in this instance he took a pragmatic view to save his Red Wall MPs.
Trading under WTO Rules only would have been more advantageous to the EU than it was for the UK.
It is no secret that I have no time for Boris, in this instance he took a pragmatic view to save his Red Wall MPs.
The precision of meaning in your writing doesn’t make responding to it easy, Bread, it is far too similar to the precision in your thinking.
Don’t forget it all took place in an EU secrecy tunnel JBR ??
Who knows what wen on in there??
Not even EU accredited journo’s could get in there!
I wonder if he could have been bluffing.
Don’t do that, JBR, I would hate to be responsible for the rest of your day being wasted.
Non answers seem to be par for the course on the remainer side
of the argument this year ??
Don’t make me a representative of the “remainers”, Donkey. I can accept that we are out of the EU, and I’m not cut up about it. Dishonesty is what really works me up, and there’s a lot of it going on here. If you have to lie in order to justify your position, you should be questioning your position.
National elections in EU countries could change the negotiating approach of individual member states.
How? I’m afraid I can’t see why.
Yes, with this I agree. I believe that there are still many remoaner MPs in his own party, not only Treason May.
I’d be happy if they were identified before 2024 in order that their electorates can make up their minds whether or not to vote for them.
Yes, I am becoming more convinced that it was his secret intention all along.
Can we trust him?
Don’t worry about it.
I fully understand that you have no idea what you’re talking about, which is why you can’t answer my simple question!
Of course you can’t trust him. Anyone who claimed Brexit would be fine is a liar, and you can’t trust liars.
Indeed, my guess is a few will step aside for a sinecure in HOL.
If only the understanding that you don’t know what you are talking about, either, would become apparent to you, you might not ask so many questions that others can’t be bothered to answer.
Brexit has not gone well, I will be the first to admit that.
It is however important that we left, that was the crucial outcome.
Further Integration?
No Thanks, look at the mess they have made about Covid Vaccinations.
Our Politicians are idiots, they have allowed the EU to run over us when we where Members and with us leaving.
I despair, I really do.
Honest MP’s and honest PM’s are a thing of great rarity.
Honest politicians no matter where are a rarity.
Hardly surprising really, since full and complete honesty would propably see them out of a job.
We don’t trust them; here we hold them to account and then vote them out if we don’t agree with what they are doing.
That’s how the Tories won in 2019.
Regarding Brexit however it has been pretty much delivered - not to everybody’s complete satisfaction I grant you, but any sensible person knew that was an impossible task.
We are out, and that must be so because not only to the hardline Brexiters like Farage, the ERG accept that to be the case but so does the strongly pro-EU majority of UK media.
If they thought it to be BRINO we can be pretty certain that they would be both extremely vocal and exhilarated at achieving that, and the crowing would not stop.
There is as we know no such crowing, and that one fact alone really says it all.
I wouldn’t complain about that…
as long as the HoL is abolished soon afterwards.
Many people complain about the Royal Family and demand that it should be abolished. I am in favour of the Queen, but if it would also mean the abolition of the Lards, I might change my mind.
But you originally said that you ‘can’t answer’.
Now you’re changing it to ‘can’t be bothered to answer’.
A rather lame get-out!
Yes, I blame the EU for our problems, but without help from our own politicians they wouldn’t have achieved most of what they did.
Sir Kneel has advocated major reform for the HoL and there’s a growing movement calling for reform as well as widespread recognition of its antiquated, costly nature so we live in hope.