Misled Over Brexit ? Certainly Looks That way!


The important thing is that we are out, we can sort the rest over a period of time.

The EU Vaccine Mess is a prime example of why I voted out.

Yes, all the signs are looking good, aren’t they? :smiley:


Nope, but we will get there.:slight_smile:

The views of a diehard remainer:

[SIZE=“4”]I hate to say it, but Britain’s doing OK. Even Germany envies us…[/SIZE]

“For diehard Remoaners like me, all this endless good news about jabs and carbon emissions is pretty hard to take”

Indeed we will.
Rome was not built in one day.

I suspect our Rome will be built on compromises that you will not be entirely happy with. I foresee many cries of, “we’ve been stabbed in the back”. :cry:

Well, that says a lot, doesn’t it.

Perhaps you shouldn’t make sweeping statements if you have no idea what you’re talking about!

Some of us can allready feel the pain Herbal !!


You foresee?
You haven’t been following these Brexit threads obviously because that’s already started - before the dust has even settled.
You don’t know what I want either - and no, I’m not telling you.

It was always obvious from the moment the referendum was announced that there would be those who would be unhappy no matter how things would eventually end, stay or leave.
Ask a group of people what flavour crisps they want and you’ll get loads of different answers as well as complaints that it should have included popcorn and why wasn’t a beer or two included.

If that, and losing full access to part of the UK (NI) is a ‘very hard Brexit’, I’m a Chinaman.

As I’ve said before, what Boris ‘achieved’ for us was BRINO.

If that, and losing full access to part of the UK (NI) is a ‘very hard Brexit’, I’m a Chinaman.

As I’ve said before, what Boris ‘achieved’ for us was BRINO.

I have a theory that you wouldn’t have minded the sweep of my statement had it been in line with your thinking. :slight_smile:

Saying it doesn’t make it true.
That’s why even the most hardcore Brexiters do not think that what we have is BRINO, as Farage & the ERG group have very clearly stated.

We are two months in.
Completely undoing fifty-odd years of attempted integration will not happen that quickly, and it would not have been any different had we had a no-deal Brexit.

I don’t often agree with you but there I suspect that you are absolutely spot-on.

There is a limit to what can be achieved; you should prepare yourself for that limit falling within the bounds of “BRINO”. :frowning:

In the referendum .

Keep up

Strange! Boris and the government were all set to leave completely and trade under WTO right up to the last minute.

I have seen no clear evidence of why he changed his mind then and handed over our fishing areas and part of the UK.

The only possible reason I can think of (or perhaps you can offer an alternative reason?) is that he had planned to do that anyway, and even then I don’t know why he should decide to do that.

I’m still waiting to hear your justification for why we couldn’t have left the EU completely!

BRINO isn’t what we voted for

Do you believe that Swimmy?
I’m still waiting for evidence !
The period of time is only to tire or bore the electorate untill
they give up imo??


No worries, Zaphod, I’m well used to people not agreeing with me, so I appreciate it all the more when they do. :slight_smile: