As I look at this young lady in the painting I sense she is a gentle girl and a listener rather than a talker , very intelligent and knows what she wants and needs and wont hesitate in working towards her goal . She has a slight look of the very young princess Diana before life got to her .
Thank you Susan you are very perceptive she is a very gentle kind person and I too always thought she looked a bit like Princess DI .
I have known her for 30 years and if this turns out ok I will give her it for Christmas , better late than never
Very old I’m afraid Pauline .
I used to paint at school back in the dark ages ( yes I did get A level art ) but have always thought of myself as one of those can draw / can’t paint people .
I have never been to art school although I was accepted at two but just didn’t go I got married instead .
A couple of years ago I met a professional artist and he poo poohed the idea of ‘ can’t paint ‘ so I started again .
He also dissed the ‘can’t do people ‘ excuse .
So I started doing both painting people and animals I wish I had done it long ago .
Yes I did and you are the second person to remark on this .
Someone thought I had copied it from an old master but I haven’t I used a reference photo and it’s someone I have met . I think it’s the long hair that makes it look old .