Mark's Poems & Prose

You are very wonderful and amazing man, with beautiful sensitive heart. if many people like you existed, surely the world would be a better place to live in:-(

Fanks but that don’t rhyme :shock: .

There is also the fact that some people have a wicked sense of humour :wink: . You have to read between the lines you know.

Eh what?

Oh come on Mark, give us some writings of inner passion on sultry nights. Words that will make a woman go weak at the knee’s with words of love that will intoxicate her mind with sensual feelings that leave her gasping for air and endless fulfilment

I’m not built like that. I’m far more sexual than sensual. Always been that way. I don’t tell a women I love her to get my wicked way, so I can’t write stuff that is alien to me. Each to their own … again.

There’s a lovely, heartfelt poem somewhere on here … :wink:

Just the one, mind !!! pmsl

yep it’s still there … seek and ye shall find :wink:

Blimey … reading these again brings back memories
Got to stop or I shall be a snivelling wreck all night

Alas I am a hopeless romantic and love a woman to be a temple of love which needs bringing alive with soft words and sensual touches until she comes alive, and her feelings overtaken by heady desires. Go on you can do it:-D

Try page 3 - One In A Million.

Scrubbed the rest of this reply as it was a bit too personal :shock: .

By all means YOU go ahead and write something. I will have to pass on this one :wink: . A romantic I ain’t.

That is sad Mark, suppressing those inner feelings you so clearly have and so want to let flow in words of love and sensual feelings.
Yes I have been known to be romantically poetical when the right sort of female inflame my passions and has the ability to bring out the hidden talent. Rather difficult on open pages and as some mods read pm’s on other forums, not my wish to entertain and give them free highs either.

So what will be your next offering to entertain us?

Us poets are sporadic in our output. It is very taxing you see. When the mood is upon me and I feel inspired then I will put pen to paper to create another literary masterpiece. It won’t be today though as I’m knackered.

Hmmmm … interesting but it doesn’t quite rhyme :confused:

Us poets are sporadic in output
It’s very taxing you see
When we feel inspired
And are not dog-tired
We will set our emotions free

Awesome :smiley: .

But can I add a line?

Just like when we have a pee

NO !!! pmsl :wink:

'tis in limerick rhythm innit … FIVE lines

But I agree with him, most days are dog days and the sails are empty and becalmed. Then on other days the mind seems taken over and words come as if gifted by a unknown source.

Someone who lets their emotions come out through poetry can fully understand this short poem. I have often found my thoughts being jotted down during a quiet moment in a busy day.

Indeed. Vodka def gets me going but I’ve banned myself off hard liquor now and cider doesn’t seem to oil the works properly. I shall have to wait for clear minded clarity of thought which will be interesting in itself. My next poem won’t be influenced by alcohol so will be that much more meaningful.

I’m not saying all my poems were written whilst under the influence though - just most :wink: .


"Servers come and servers go and many don’t know what the hell a server knows or even it if glows

But I likes em cos they make a funny noise, heat up a room but they sure do lack poise

As big ugly brutes of things they are, well at least the ones I have are, hell it takes 2 strong men to manhandle em from a car

But they reward you well with minimal care, just getting on with things so I don’t mess, I just don’t dare"

That should satisfy anyone wot likes poems (and servers).