Mark's Poems & Prose

What a good idea you have there
Nice to see that you care :smiley:
Milk I have nice and cool too
Longlife it is so that will do

Well I opened the carton
Longlife it said but hang on
Why was it then all lumpy and solid?
I couldn’t drink that -would taste horrid
And to think it has only been opened 3 month
Longlife it says? ‘Rubbish I say’ harumph!

If your head hurts and your wearing a frown
Good morning and welcome to gargle town.:smiley:

Lightweights, Shandiers and that ilk
Like to have a glass of Milk
Over there, Just watch that Lummock
Coat their Tongue and put a lining on their stomach
There ain’t no need for this lamination
Knock it back without hesitation
Be Specific with your Gravity
The higher the better, just for clarity
But be careful do a unit count
Or a thick head won’t be all to surmount
To many will induce a state of Brevity
I’ll raise to that, or me names not Verity

:lol::lol: And some folks think we enjoy it!:lol:

Why would a man need more hairs on his chest ?

Hairsuit ? oh yikes … like a mohair vest :shock:

Ah … comb it over the balding skull

And there we are … my work is done

woops lol … on iPad and have quoted the wrong post. Should have been Meg’s … SORREEEEEEEE

Rachel :slight_smile: men can’t have too many hairs on their chest and if they happen to live in darkest Wales and if as Mark once confessed they wander around all day in a pair of old pyjamas in a house with a temperamental boiler they are necessary to keep warm :mrgreen:

Here I am sober once more
Smiling really and not staring at the floor
Why is that I hear you ask?
Well my sense of humour has been set a task
To cheer me up as my head has been mixed up of late
But out of the gloom light shines again - just like my grate
Yes, to light a fire in my head once again
Much better now - less head pain

Forum Posting

I scribble and write and sumtimes fight
I always go with the assumption I’m right
No negatives for me and I sting like a bee
Get right to the point and get em out of joint

Mind Games

Everyone thinks they ‘know’ more that most
Until they lock horns with a damaged host
Who’s life has been about thoughts within
What can they know to unravel the din?
Asking for trouble is what they are doing
Stepping into waters without swimming
Dragged down deep into the hidden murk
To boldly go like Captain Kirk :wink:
Careful …

You are becoming quite a wordsmith Mark, very good.
Will you be entering the Eisteddfod next …:smiley:

‘Is this flattery or sarcasm’, I ask myself?

But I am good.


…neither :shock: admiration :mrgreen:

You are after something for sure :wink: .

…well it’s not a bit of chewed cheese Mark that’s for sure :lol:
you should learn to take a compliment with good grace…

Doing a bit of wumming. Have to keep my hand in.

Hide Away

Been a trying day but nothing new
Fuss and bother - you know: ado
Women are odd creatures for sure
Some need treatment - a cure :slight_smile:

At least here I can reside a while
Away from all that heckling and bile
A little corner where I can speak my mind
Having fun creating a little rhyme

But even here isn’t sacred ground
No, trouble can follow me like a hound
But at least it helps pass the time
Better than being bored, which is def a crime

Avoiding work!

So here I am again in a dangerously playful mood
One where I’m apt to stir things up which is rude
Of me in this day and age and on this particular site
As I’ve been in hot water more than once recently, and that ain’t right

So what should I do to get out of this pending disaster?
Too tired to exercise as I did that yesterday and would it matter?
Don’t think it would as my lack of energy is a contributing factor
I will have to breath deeply and think twice before I shatter
The peace of mind of the people wot visit this here place
Else I will be told off again by all and sundry and lose more face
Hell me chops has had a battering lately
I’ll be needing a face lift next m8y

mmmm very nice Mark :slight_smile: not too playful I hope .
We don’t want to see anyone on the naughty step today :mrgreen: