Mark's Poems & Prose

I have been told, or instructed, that it would be better if I started a new thread for me poems as they are not rhyming couplets. So here is today’s.

There I was staring down at him
Big fat furry thing at the end of my gardim (yeah yeah but it rhymes don’t it)
He was basking himself in the glorious sun
And I didn’t have the heart to make him run
Anway he was huge and would probably have chased me
And apart from that he was probably covered in flea (s)

You might be thinking my garden stinks
But there is more to this and you need to rethinks
Cos I was dreaming you see
But maybe the rat was meant to be
A warning of things that could be wrong with me
Wow nearly 4 lines of rhyme, one more than 3 (clever eh)

I wokes up not long after this
But not before a female rat appeared seemingly in bliss
In her mouth was another rat bundle of joy
All black and slippery looking far from coy
They seemed to know I wouldn’t have hurt them though
All this occuring where stuff used to grow
Down at the end of my garden in the sun
Where me head went walkies for fun

Well another cracker :-D.

Previous days awesome poem.

I gotsa bad head
Since getting out of bed
And a guilt ridden face
As I shot my mouth off at such a pace
Last night without a brain cell to my name
Getting drunk is such a lame game

Buts I did think some awesome thoughts
Though in the light of day they will surely come to nought
I remember a harem being mentioned though
Maybe the idea will take root and grow
Wow maybe getting drunk ain’t such a bad idea at all
Then again pride before a fall

Oh well I do know I have a bad head
Since getting out of bed

Loads more where this lot has come from :wink: .

Today’s poem is a sombre one indeed
Imbibing too much booze has brought about a need
To reflect on my behaviour you see
Afterall my reputation is me
And I don’t want it tarnished badlee
Oh shit just hit my knee
(another 4 line rhymer ;-))

So a word of warning to all you boozers
Don’t overdo it and become sore loozers
As I have done lately to my cost
My girlie took umbrage and I nearly lost
Her amongt the empty bottles strewn around
It is better to keep your feet firmly on the ground

There is a moral here and it is easily seen
Just don’t over indulge in anything obscene
Or think life is rosy from inside a alcoholic daze
As such times will just pass you by in a haze
And those you care for won’t care anymore
You will undoubtably be shown the door

yawns - hey not bad :smiley:

I wrestle with my conscience a lot lately
My behaviour stinks to quite a degree
I have been a bachelor for so long you see
Like a brooding ape alone up a tree
(4 line rhymes are nothing to me now ;))

Now though I have to consider anew
Another person’s feelings - a select one of few (cough)
Cos she cries some of the time
Which is really a crime
And who can be blamed?
Me - I need to be tamed

I have so much energy which is a gift don’t you see
But can such a woman cope with such as me?
She is trying hard in all honesty
But my nature is intense always fighting to be free
Maybe I should have been left up that tree
Where I can brood and think about just me
Cos I am very selfish you see
(7 lines rhyming - easy :))

Wow Mark, they are good. You’re a poet and don’t know it.:lol:

Yes they are good aren’t they. In fact I wouldn’t say they are just good but damn well awesome :smiley: .

Bout time someone showed some appreciation for some fine verse writing, wot I wroted with my own hands :wink: .

Look forward to seeing some more.:slight_smile:

Wow! have you just discovered this hidden talent, Mark? :smiley:

I think Robert has been giving you secret lessons… :mrgreen:

Well done!:023:

Are youse lot being facetious :wink: . They are a load of poo but that won’t stop me writing loads more - watch this space :slight_smile: .

Popcorn Tribute

Here I am waiting for the Tesco order again
Belly is full of rapidly expanding popcorn grain
Hope he hurries up as my bowels are straining
If he don’t arrive soon the contents will be airing
Don’t want to be in the toilet when he gets here
I likes to take my time and read the daily paper

I luvs popcorn you see
Makes it all the time just for me
With salt sumtimes or not as I fancy
All white and fluffy - all cotten wooley
I do eat other foods at times obviously
Would be silly of me to not get my greenery

Whoosh the machine makes a grand noise
The kernels spin around and dance with such poise
But after a while their heads burst asunder
And low and behold a bowl full of wunder
And I can stuff my face effortlessly
Isn’t nature such a marvelling thingummy

Oh well that is enough about popcorn today
But don’t worry cos more poems will come this way
Won’t be neglecting my daily readers for sure
I knows you wants more and more - and there is no cure

Sorted :smiley:

Wow you’ve definitely peaked :frowning:

wonders if they can get any worse

Probably a good idea to quit while we clamour for an encore

Oh ye of little talent. A born critic. One who prefers to bring down that which is on such a high pedestal. I am used to looking down upon such as you and being all sympathetic and shit. It goes with the territory you see :-D, but hey that is me - see I breaking in to rhyme once again - a poet to an nth degree :-D.

:041::041: Well done Mark! Don’t quit yet!


Always :cool: .

Unique ?

As you probably know Mark I know little of poetry and am in no position to praise or criticise, however I do know a little about spasms of creativity, grab them when they come. keep the flow going, you’re flying high at the top of your game and nows the time to create, that gold vein won’t last, suddenly the big bang comes and then poets block sets in, you may lose the gift for all time, reducing you to a flustrated gibbering heap of a poet riveted to the same spot without a hope of ever achieving that beautiful level again.:wink:

Yes, you are very right in what you say. So here is a poem what highlights the problem alluded to above.

Title: Writers block - or booze block :smiley:

I gots up this morning without hardly a thought in my head
In fact I can remember little from hours before going to bed
My stomach feels awful and what is that smell - something dead?
Oh thank goodness for that - just 3 week old tuna in some mouldy bread
Putting pen to paper ain’t gonna happen today - no way
My booze ridden head has shut down for the day

Why do I squander this god given gift?
If other poets knew it would cause such a rift
Destroying my creative brain cells makes others go cold
And I don’t think I have that many left so I am told

It has always been this way with me
To take things for granted - everything appears easy you see
I was born with so much skill it is quite silly
But to the table it is arrogance I bring
People shout at me and my ears they sure do ring
Sorry but that has alway been my way
Oh my head sure hurts today

Another masterpiece :smiley:

We can but hope :smiley: