Mark's Poems & Prose

Congratulations Mark, a title at last!, this could lead to bigger things, how about a poem to celebrate? maybe call it Marco Solo the Wandering Wum.:wink:

OK, though a different title me thinks :smiley: .

[SIZE=“4”]Recognition At Last - A WUM’s Tale.[/SIZE]

To be given a special title is quite something, I’m sure you all agree
But you must realise there is quite a history - it certainly wasn’t free
No, intellectual battles have ensued, sometimes for weeks at a time
And some would say to receive such now is surely a despicable crime

What does it take to rise to the heights as I find myself now?
Well, you have to have a thick skin for one thing - as thick as a rhino
And to take stuff on the chin regularly, turning it from a grimace to a grin
No, it requires quite a skill set and great resolve - never give in

Still, I can go to bed quite happy with a sense of accomplishment tonight
I have been in some savage forum discussions - taken such a lot of shite
But surfaced unscathed with my humour intact and victorious once more
Honour and recognition too with disbelievers shown the WUM door

Excellent Mark, your crowning is now well and truly complete, nothing like a poem to accompany an achievement.:slight_smile:

That’s a fantastic poem Mark.

FGS Stella

DON’T encourage him ;-):-D:shock::-D:mrgreen:

[SIZE=“4”]A Strong Pulse![/SIZE]

So there was I relaxing in a hot bath just considering
‘What?’, I hear you ask: well this and that - one thing
After another really but especially the vagaries of peeps
I mustn’t be smug tis easy to move from peep to creep

Peeps are so funny though even when upset, even fuming
I love to get deeply involved in something all consuming
Makes me feel alive to know my blood still flows strong
Just feeling a pulse isn’t enough - nah tis all wrong

Going out with a bang tis better than a whimper any day
Don’t depart with unresolved issues come what may
If you body can’t do battle anymore then use your head
Hell, you can still do that even if you can’t leave your bed

Still I won’t preach as the future can be a frightening place
Holding unforeseen elements of despair with no solace
No, who knows what is around the corner for you or me
Grit your teeth and keep soldering on until you are free

Love that Mark, especially the last 2 verses - very true.

I’m impressed Mark :slight_smile: very insightful…

Gonna add another verse; I think it needs it.

A Seasonal Reflection

As spring approaches the daylight lasts
Far longer than it did these past
Few months ~ which we all call winter
A cold and rainy time to remember
Loved ones gone to other shores
Or departed wholly from our doors
Lost to those who stay and mourn
And maybe lost when our time is done

Ok ok … you can nit-pick and say it doesn’t rhyme and I could’ve written ‘gawn’ to rhyme with ‘mourn’ :shock:

But artistic license does sometimes play a necessary part :-p

It doesn’t rhyme :shock: .

Very sad reflection Rachel…:frowning:

Still good though and fitting I find, now that I have got over the shock of the non-rhyming and re-read it again … yes very.

Let RJ cast his glass eye over it, but for me it was nailed.

well your ‘rhino’ and ‘now’ don’t rhyme either … so there … AND just take a look of some of the stuff that Shakespeare bloke penned … duh ! :wink:

Yeah, but if you pronounce rhino as rhinow it does :smiley: .

Who is this guy called ‘Shakespeare’? Is he on another forum?

Why would anyone pronounce it thus ?
Too bothersome and too much fuss
As for Shakespeare … I dunno :confused:
Thought I saw him somewhere though
Maybe in a dream last night
Who cares ? I know when I am right :wink:

Why oh why do I keep sneezzin’ ?
Me feet’s not cold and I’m not freezin’
An allergy ? nah can’t be that
I couldn’t be allergic to cats
Had cats for very many years
Without a problem, def no tears
Dust ? wassat ? oh surely not
You don’t mean 'use the vacuum ?[SIZE=“4”] STOP[/SIZE] :shock: :!: :shock:

Last edited by Meg; Yesterday at 09:27 AM. Reason: Requested by OP

[FONT=“Comic Sans MS”][SIZE=“4”]ummm … s’cuse please … what is ‘OP’ ? :confused:
Is it ‘Old Person’[/SIZE][/FONT]

You has a cold.

Has you put your thermal knickers on? The bum has a large surface area and is probably the cause of the above. Oh, and thermal bra and socks too, cos you might have big knockers and feet. Tis all about surface area you see :wink: .