Manage Your Gas & Electricity Price Increases?

True Ted, but there is only room for one of us to be accessing my bank account…


Having now got my fuel usage set so I am set to go. so that I’m close to using only one candle power, per month, and setting my new Direct Debits up, (my water one, for some reason, is only for £20.00 a month!)

I have become much more convinced of the value of my BG Smart Meter, to the extent that I can juggle the usage, whilst watching the readings, and cut the payments to BG accordingly.

They’ll, probably, spot this soon & kill off smart meters!

It’s just been said, on the news, that it will all be going up again shortly!

Gird your loins, and charge your chargers! :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Sorry Ted, I couldn’t give a monkeys about saving energy or water, if I need a shower I have one, if I’m cold I crank up the central heating, and bugger Direct debits. They send me a bill and I’ll pay it. It’s not up to them to decide when and how much, and whack it out of my account automatically without my knowledge.


Hang on, Pixie, that sounds like instructions for a Circus Ringmaster!

:horse_racing: :horse_racing:

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Just to be further boring, this photo shows what the Smart Meter thinks is happening, to my gas usage.

Note that the first column, at 6 am, shows what the gas is doing when the heating starts up, then once the heat is up, what happens afterwards.

(told you it was boring!)

So, now, I’m experimenting to see whether it really matters if it goes off overnight, or not.

Next trick is to cut out the time!

Boring mode off!.


Blimey Ted, your smart meter is smarter than mine! I can’t get any sort of updates or guidance display because the company who installed it, are not the same company who I pay my bills to, so conflict of interest. And the present company don’t do smart meters :woman_shrugging:

I notice your screen tells you the flow of gas as you are using it but does it also tell you what it costs as it uses it?

Just interested

Yes, it does, Bruce.

Here it is

Using your smart energy monitor - Meters - Help & Support - British Gas


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My display unit only shows the electric, yet I can log onto my account with the supplier, to see the gas on that. My d/u is in a drawer, anyway.

Lovely day, today, so my heating is now OFF!

I can almost feel my bank account’s sigh of relief!

Is everyone else switched off?

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OFF …OFF what ! Oh Ted it’s still blinking cold . I’m sitting snuggled in my onesie waiting for my house to heat up before I shower .

Mine is off today but its bloomin’ cold still. I’m sitting here with several layers on and a blanket. I should really move about more and heat up.

Oh and @susan_m That heated blanket I told you about - mine doesn’t work anymore. It heats up in patches and doesn’t reach the warmth of the settings. Very disappointed in it, so I withdraw my enthusiastic recommendation :frowning_face:

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Yep Jazzi, that’s where they all end up once the newness has worn off…

Mines still on Ted, I can’t be arsed to mess with the programming. If it’s it’s warm enough it won’t come on anyway. But it has…

It’s a pity that one can’t buy energy in advance in the same way that you could buy a few cans of petrol if you were that way inclined.

We’d consider using some of our life savings to buy so many kilowatt hours of electricity and so many cubic metres of gas at today’s prices if we could, and so we’d know how much to budget for over the next 3 or 4 years to replenish our savings instead of having to pay increasing bills to our suppliers.

Are you suggesting that some of the members are ‘That Way Inclined’ Melgal?
The trouble with that theory is, what happens if the price goes back to normal in a while Mel? As it probably will…

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My entire heating needs are satisfied by a small 2kW fan heater which I turn on probably a dozen times for an hour or so in winter, just to take the chill off the room when the temperature drops below 15°C .

Until I got the roof insulated by the Rudd government I never needed heating in winter because the sun on the tin roof would soon heat up the house but, while the insulation made summer much more bearable, it meant in winter I needed a heater occasionally. Swings and roundabouts.


That’s the risk one takes whenever one stockpiles OGF

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But , when it goes back to normal, normal is always more than normal was before!
