Manage Your Gas & Electricity Price Increases?

An interesting article from Martin Lewis regarding energy firms.
It seems British Gas is the worst possible company to be transferred to!

@Mups ,. Maybe that’s a rumour put about by the other suppliers ??
BTW, The British economy grew by *8%0 in January!
Then surely it will go up by at least 50% in the coming months ??:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
As growth appears to be measured by how much we spend !?!?
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

Doubt that Donkey, it was a large survey.
Anyway, I think Martin Lewis is a bit sharper than that.

@Mups , Tongue in cheek , sorry.
Whadya think about the UK’s growth prospects though?
Dyou think it will save us from poverty :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
TIC applies again l’m afraid !!
Donkeyman! :-1::-1:

Energy firms have often been hard to contact

At least half of those contacting British Gas, EDF and Shell Energy by phone, email or live chat (for any reason) said they had NOT found it easy to do so.

Most transfers have been poor

Just two firms – E.on Next and Octopus Energy – got positive overall feedback, with British Gas, Shell Energy and EDF all faring much worse.

I’ve been with Octopus for quite a while now … :+1:

Please note that there are some scams relating to energy suppliers & switching, etc.

I’ve put them in Baz46’s energy supplier post. (Your Local Energy Advisor)

(sorry Baz)!


UK Growth?

Nope, we are facing a recession as people have less to spend.

Mr Sunak is already warning of this.


Energy firms have often been hard to contact

At least half of those contacting British Gas, EDF and Shell Energy by phone, email or live chat (for any reason) said they had NOT found it easy to do so.

Most transfers have been poor

Just two firms – E.on Next and Octopus Energy – got positive overall feedback, with British Gas, Shell Energy and EDF all faring much worse.

I’ve been with Octopus for quite a while now … :+1:

So what’s the scams connection to my reply to Mups post … :017:

None, I screwed up the use of reply button


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:grin: … we’ve all done that … :+1:

They must like me Mups, I’ve never had any trouble with British Gas, and their website is brilliant. Mind you, I’ve never been transferred to them, I’ve always been with them.

Well you are lucky Foxy.
I was with them for many years, but decided to leave them over a year ago now.
I got so fed up with them keep greatly over estimating my useage, and increasing my direct, even when I was load in credit, cheeky buggers.
They were also so hard to reach on the phone to get anything put right. So when it carried on, i left them.

Ah, that’s the difference Mupsy, I work out my own payments…

I didn’t know you could set your own direct debits, Foxy?
I thought they always told you how much payments would be.
So how do you work out your own bill then?
Have you got a smart meter?

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Musp there are online calculators which will do it for you like this one

Well I never! Thanks Melgal, I will have a look at that.

No not direct debits Mupsy, I add up the amount I paid for my energy last year and divided it by 4 (I pay my quarterly bills online by card) Nothing to do with British Gas or the bank. I put the money away each month…Although it’s all done on my own account and not really cash in the mattress.

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When I was working and with a family I used to have a spreadsheet with all the latest bills (phone, rates, electric, water etc) it would work out the total annual payment required for all recurring bills plus a few percent for inflation then divide it into 26 payments.

Like most people in this country I was paid fortnightly so I would set aside this amount each pay. Commonsense really.

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I agree Bruce, common sense.
Our brass is hard come by, so it’s worth taking some time and effort to organise where it’s going.

I don’t think that we’re in charge of where it’s going, that’s in the hands of the suppliers.

We just organise how we hand it to them.

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